Chapter 4

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This past week has gone by in a blur. It feels like I've been living here for months, when it's just barely been a week. But I suppose I have been busy taking my moped classes and I just took the test yesterday. All done and dusted in time to start school, just as Pete had said. It wasn't that hard to learn the differences in road laws in America. The main point being to drive on the right hand side and not the left. After that I'm fine, so now I have a moped license but no moped. 

I wake up and get ready for the day. It's my first day of American high school, I'm nervous and excited. I wonder if it's like it is on TV and in the movies, but there's no point in wondering, I'll find out for myself in an hour. I'm all showered and have just gotten dressed. I'm wearing pink dungarees with a white t-shirt that has a sunshine on it wearing sunglasses, but it's not like anyone will see that since its hidden behind my dungarees. I throw on a pair of pink velvet ankle boots and grab my pink sparkly back pack. Too much pink? Never!

As I walk downstairs I see everyone is already sat at the dinning table eating breakfast. I didn't realize how long I had been taking getting ready. 

"Morning." Pete calls to me as he notices me enter the kitchen. 

"Morning." I respond, smiling at everyone else. 

"Are you excited for your first day of school?" Lacey asks. "Cute outfit." She motions towards me. 

"Thanks, yes a little nervous but more excited than anything else." I smile at her as I take a seat next to Nate at the dinning table and grab myself a pancake onto my plate. 

"You'll be fine." Pete gives me a friendly smile. "You both will be." Pete says looking over to Harry who had been staring down at his plate of food, barely touching it. 

"What?" Harry snaps out of his daze and looks up at his dad. "Oh, I know, I'm not nervous, I'm just tired."

"Try not to fall asleep in class on the first day, please." Pete laughs at his son, as Harry yawns and goes back to staring down at his plate of food, which he now begins to eat. 

"What time do we need to leave?" I ask Nate, since he's the only one who has a car out of the three of us. 

"Actually Emma." Pete grabs my attention "This is for you." He says as he throws me a set of keys. 

"What?" I look back at him confused. I can't drive, he knows that why would he be giving me a car. 

"Come on." He motions me out of my seat and towards the front door. As he opens it I see a bright pink moped parked out front with a gigantic bow on top of it. 

"What?" I ask completely stunned, he got me my own bike. 

"Surprise!" Lacey comes to the side of me, walking me towards the moped and pulling off the bow. "And it's your favorite color too." She gives me a quick nudge knocking me out of my daydream. 

"Wow, oh my god! I don't even know what to say! Thank you!" I give both Lacey and Pete a hug, they look over at each other smiling proudly to one another. 


As I pull into school, following behind Nate's car. I park in the designated bike area at the front of school. There was a perfectly available parking spot for Nate right next to the bike area, but he choose to park further away. I don't know why. As I remove my helmet, I give my hair a quick fluff to give my new curls more volume. I love having curly hair now, my hair just looks more bigger rather than stuck and flat to my head all straight. I quickly put on my sunglasses to block out the sun. It's too bright for such an early morning and I can't be moody on my first day of school, I need to make a good first impression. 

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