Chapter 6

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The rest of the day went by a lot faster than I thought it would but I'm not complaining I was looking forward to getting back home and changing into my comfy sweat pants. I feel like a binge watch of The Office is a perfect way to relax after my first day of school. I managed to avoid "The Markers" for the rest of the day. Thankfully I only have homeroom and math classes with them, as Annabel informed me. She weirdly seems to know everyone else's schedules and told me that none of them were in any of my other classes. Apparently the boys have every class together. I have no idea why the school would allow it, especially if they know that they will disrupt every class that they are in. But I guess that way they're just all in one place at one time, its more easy to keep an eye on them all. 

Just as another episode of The Office is about to start playing. The front door closes and three very sweaty boys enter into the living room, falling down onto the sofas opposite me. 

"How was practice?" I laugh at the boys. 

"It was good, long but good." Nate says with a little muffle into the sofa pillow, before sitting himself up straight. 

"That's what she said." Harry states, making us all laugh. He clearly noticed what I'm watching on the TV. 

"How was your first day?" Nate asks. 

"Interesting." I say with a hint of amusement, as I think back on my day. 

"Interesting?" He inquires. 

"Yeah. My classes were all fun and games, they don't seem too bad." 

"That's good." 

"I managed to make a couple of friends too, that seem to be very nice people." 


"Annabel Smith and then Claire and Charlie." 

"The Wilson twins?" I nod at him. "Yeah, you've found yourself some nice friends there. I've known them all since kindergarten." Nate smiles at me. 

"They also told me who to avoid." I receive a questioning look from the boys. "You know, The Markers?" I state obviously, with attitude. Nate must know who they are and I'm wondering why he didn't warn me about them. The boys give each other a look, so I'm guessing Harry knew about them too. 

"Just avoid them and you'll be fine." Nate says not wanting to go into anymore detail. 

"That's easier said than done, when Charlie seems to think I'm their next target." 

"Why would he think that?" Nate gives me a concerned look. 

"Because they wouldn't stop staring at our table." 

"Are you sure they were looking at you and not one of the other girls?" Harry chirps in. 

"Yes, Annabel and Claire have already received a mark." I put air quotes around the word received. "I'm guessing cause I'm the new girl, that makes me easy prey in their eyes." I again put air quotes around the words easy prey. All this being said with a high level of dry sarcasm, to show how unamused I am by this little thing that goes on at their school. 

"Have they tried talking to you?" The blond curly haired boy sat next to Nate finally speaks up. "I'm Sam by the way, Nate's friend." He says as he points towards Nate. Sam must be on the soccer team too, he's very attractive and has the most beautiful blue eyes I am now noticing as he's talking to me. 

"Emma." I say introducing myself. "And yeah, I bumped into Hunter in the Principal's office and I have homeroom plus my math classes with all of them." I state, I realize though that Hunter hasn't exactly spoken to me himself. The rest of the boys have though. "And unfortunately I'm sat right in the middle of them for my math classes." 

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