Chapter 5

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Annabel showed me to my locker, and she wasn't lying my locker is right outside of my homeroom which is lucky I guess. Although we only have homeroom at the start of the week and right at the very end of the week on a Friday afternoon, so it's only really beneficial for two periods of the week. 

After I had put a few of my books and my bike helmet into my locker, me and Annabel headed into the classroom just as the bell rang for the start of class. I look around the room and see all the seats filling up. 

"Morning Ms Thompson, this is Emma Hart." 

"Oh yes, from England." A tall skinny, red headed woman in her early 30's greets me. 

"Hi." I smile awkwardly at Ms Thompson, before looking back at Annabel as I become aware of a few eyes on me from other students in the class. Why did she have to introduce me, now people are staring at me. 

Just as the second bell rings, a group of five boys stumble into class. 

"So glad you could grace us with your presence." Ms Thompson sarcastically aims towards the group, who are now sitting at the far back of the classroom. What a surprise. 

I recognize one of them from earlier. Hunter. These must be his friends that helped him teach that poor new freshman a lesson this morning. Ironically Hunter is sat in back right corner, with two of the boys sitting to his left, another sat in front and the fifth sat diagonally from him. They're clearly sat that way, so they can easily talk to one another and cause a disruption to the class for Ms Thompson. Poor woman, having to deal with five rowdy boys so early in the morning. 

Just as me and Annabel begin heading to two seats that are free to the right near the window, Ms Thompson begins speaking. "Good Morning class and welcome back to Beaufort High. We have a new student with us today, as part of our two year exchange program from England. Everyone give a big welcome to Emma Hart." Oh great now ALL eyes are on me. Exactly what I didn't want. 

"Hi." That's all I can say as I awkwardly smile and wave to class before sitting down quickly in the seat next Annabel, trying to stop myself from turning red from embarrassment. Which I clearly failed at, as I hear a chuckle come from the back of the room, I recognize it from earlier. Hunter. Asshole. 

After a few morning announcements, Ms Thompson lets us talk amongst ourselves since none of us have any sort of homework to be getting on with. Annabel pulls out my schedule from earlier, turning it over to show me the map. 

"Since I don't have any other classes with you this morning, this is where you algebra class is and then you have biology right after that, which is here." She says pointing out my classrooms for me on the map, whilst highlighting the best routes for me to take. "Then if you want to meet me back at your locker, we can go to lunch together." 

"That would be great, thanks." I smile at her, before I hear a scoff behind us. Out of the corner of my eye I can clearly see Hunter looking over in our direction, listening in on our conversation. A hint of amusement in his eye as he looks at the laminated piece of paper me and Annabel are holding. I take it off of Annabel and place it into my backpack ready for when I undoubtedly get lost later. 

"So." I say motioning towards the back of the room. "What's their deal?"

"They're trouble. Stay away from them." Annabel responds quickly as she pulls out a textbook turning a few pages before starting to read. It's the first day of class and she's probably chapters ahead of what she needs to be.

"I can clearly see that, but who are they?" I ask wanting to know more, if I'm going to avoid trouble I like to know what I'm up against. 

"Well, you've met the worst of the worst already." She gestures towards Hunter, who is now no longer looking in our direction as he's having a conversations with the boys. 

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