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I walked through the hallway trying to find the principal's office. I had a Friend when I was in Willow, her name is Kristy, she was my childhood best friend and I'm almost too excited to see her again. She has grey eyes (I have amber), brunette shoulder-length hair and she's not very tall, I'm like a head taller than her.

I went to the principal's office and signed some papers on behalf of my father since he can't make it to enroll me into my new school though my brother has been here for two years now, that makes it his junior year.

I'm a freshman do I get to choose locker from the E-group since all other groups are taken. I inspected well before finally picking a locker and find a lock to it. I dusted it and stuffed my books inside. When I closed it a familiar grin was revealed to me and I couldn't help but grin back.

"Kristy!" I yelled and wrapped my arms around my old bestie. She returned the hug and called my name in disbelief. She wasn't expecting me and I don't think she knows about my brother.

"What are you doing here at Willow?"

"We moved here three years ago. I visited your house but it seem as if you guys moved." I told her.

"Yeah, we kinda move for a while with my dad but my parents finally had the divorce so my mother and I moved back here". She explained. Kristy parents had always wanted to separate since I have known them. The only thing keeping them together is Kristy and now that she's all grown up they did what they wanted the most. "Why did you move?"

"My brother didn't want to change school because of his football team". I rolled my eyes. "You know how boys are."

"I'm like totally confused here. Your brother? Do you mean baby brother or elder brother?"

I laughed a little at the expression on her face. "Yes, my brother. My elder half brother. I just discovered about him five years ago". I explained. "He's two years older than me. I share my father with him. He's a junior and he's cute too." I said to satisfy her because I know she always want the full detail. She rolled her eyes at me. "What?" I said to tease her. "Unless you want me to go further into his looks". I glanced at her frowning face. "Do you?".

She rolled her eyes dramatically and scoffed. "Just keep mute". She giggled with me. "Come on, a senior is giving the freshman a school tour".

" Wonderful !" I said in a excited tone but my reaction said quite the opposite. Kristy giggled and we went to meet the other freshman. We were given a tour by the Senior students president, Maria.

What a boring tour!

Kristy and I don't have classes together before lunch which is unfortunate because I have to be in class all alone. My classes were normal just like any normal freshman. Some teachers asked for names while same looked like they've just lost a loved one and don't care about anyone's name. I tried as much to concentrate in class though some are very boring even some students doze off. I prayed within myself that every second should be faster as I gazed at the clock on the wall at the top of the teacher who as in introduced himself as Mr Allen earlier. I did a countdown from five to zero and there goes the bell.

I rushed out of the class like other students leaving the English teacher to talk to the chairs. I walked towards my locker and bumped into someone, all my books were scattered on the floor.

"I'm so sorry", I apologized without looking at who it was. I squat on my heels and picked up my books. As I was about to pick up my jotting pad, I felt a hand on mine. When I looked up to see who it was, I froze instantly.

It was like in a movie when the two main characters meet and other people freezes and the two just keep staring at each other. I wouldn't lie, the boy before me is beyond handsome and I had a crush on him immediately.

A stupid crush.

I looked at him well to have notice his hazel eyes which were bright and very attractive. He has a sharp aquiline nose and full dry lips that I wondered what it'll feel like to kiss. He smelt amazing and...goddamn, he looked so gorgeous, I couldn't stop looking at him.

A yell made me snap out of my daydream and I moaned a little.

"I said I'm sorry" He said and stood up; He reach out his hand, I took it and he helped me up. "You're a freshman, right?" He asked as he ran his hand through his jet-black spikes.

"Yeah" I blushed nervously. We stayed in silence for what felt like an hour but I'm sure it only seconds. He smiled and said something before leaving.

Wow, that's weird. We didn't even exchange names. I shrugged invincibly and continued towards my locker.

Someone called my name and I recognise it too well to know that it is Kristy. "Hi," I beamed.

"Where have you been, I've searched the whole school for you". I smiled widely and she let out a sigh of relief.

I rolled my eyes at that. "You know that I can take care of myself". I assured her so that she'll stop acting like my school babysitter.

She chuckled." Come on, I wanna introduce you to my friends. They are waiting for us at our new table". She winked. If there is anything I like it should be group friends.

I nodded and shoved my things into my locker before following Kristy. We walked into the cafeteria and got lunch from the counter then we walked towards a table where three girls were sitting. All freshmen, I think.

"Hey guys"

"Hey. Who is this?" One with an auburn hair asked curiously

"Well..." Kristy was saying but I cut her off.

"I'm Amber," I said as I shook the auburn's hand gleefully.

"Nice to meet you Amber," the auburn haired said. "I'm Rosemary, Rosie for short. This is Kayla and Kaitlyn." She pointed to the blonde and red-haired beside her.

We exchanged greetings and get to know each other better. And I think we'll make great friends.



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Remember that I told you I'm not a native English speaker. Where I come from, high school is very different from the way it is in America, England and others. In fact we don't call it highschool, we call it secondary school and the way we do things is very different. So I make everything the way I picture it to be, so if any thing is wrong, please let me know and correct me.

Thanks for reading.😁😀😁😀

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