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It the third week after I've begin freshman year. I don't have much classes with my friends but I do have a lot with Kayla and it never makes a difference to being alone because she mostly flirts with boys and from the way she talks, it seems she had dated a lot of guys. For the past two weeks , I've seen her with two different guys.

  I haven't seen that cute boy since the day we've accidentally met but I still can't help but have a massive crush on him. He doesn't even seem to be a freshman.

  I looked at my pair partner for the relationship class. He's my school husband for the week which is very annoying because I thought I passed out of elementary school. The aim is to make a perfect couple and try to agree on the perfect family plan.

  "What's your name?" The boy that I'm like a head taller than beside me asked making me snap out of my thoughts. I then realized that Mrs Duncan has finished pairing the whole classroom. Kayla is lucky to be paired with her boy friend for the week.

  I returned my gaze to the boy. "I...uhm... I.." I waited and cleared my throat to stop the stuttering. "I'm Amber."

  "Oh, Amber," he smiled "just like the colour of your eyes."

  I smiled at that though he's not the first to tell me that. It funny how my parent had decided to name me after my eyes. I like the name though.

  "I'm Matthew."

  "Nice to meet you." I smiled and tried more to just concentrate.

  I can't believe I'll spend the whole week with some nerd and worst of all, he's in almost all of my classes. He's in Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Physics and many others. I'm alone in three classes and my best class, Art. Okay, maybe I'm so dead.

  After class, I did a quick goodbye and left the class with Kayla. She's not really my type of girl and I know she doesn't really like me but it seems like I'm stuck with her  anyhow.

  But at least she's got a life. I  don't. I've spent most of my life just crushing but a guy has never asked me out before and I'm freaking fifteen! Do I sound ridiculous? Okay, maybe I should put it like this:

I want a interesting history of my highschool relationship life.

  Elementary and middle school had been the same, hiding in the shadows of my friends had been my routine with everybody underestimating me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm the one with the problem of not being able to socialize or I'm not just pretty as others.

  Well, all that is about to change. I've worked on making myself extra pretty , I hope that works (it didn't seem to work with that cute boy I met). Freshman year won't only be a new start of school but also a brand new start of life for me.

  "Amb -" I looked at Kayla who seemed to have been shouting my name for hours. "What thought made you zoned out that much?"

"Just home works." I lied.

  She shook her head almost unnoticeably. "I've been talking about Carter and you didn't even respond." She blushed visibly  " He asked me out. Tonight."

  "Wow!" I exclaimed but not the tiniest bit surprised "he did?" I imitated the voice any girlfriend would use. I bet they'll be bedding themselves tonight. She said something, I didn't hear what it was but I faked a smiled any way.

I'm a really bad friend but a fantastic actress



A really short chapter with short paragraph, sorry about that. Hope you like the chapter, if you do, vote and comment.👍💖👍💖. I hope you like the next chapter too.

The next chapter is the continuation of this one.

Thanks for reading.😁😀😁😀.

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