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Playing twenty questions with Ivan and Arthur is the most entertaining thing I've ever done!

The ride to the park wasn't that long but I insisted we play it anyway. We were on the fifth question when we arrived at the park and when we look around, nothing seemed interesting enough so we decided to just continue with the twenty questions.

"Okay, okay my turn." Arthur said and we tried to stop laughing. "When is the most embarrassing moment of your life?"

I groaned. "I've asked that question already!"

"Yeah but you are the one who asked and you didn't get to answer it." He pointed out.

Smart ass!

"Fine." I groaned again and sigh. "Okay, there was this day I got into a fight with the queen bee in my middle school, Laura, she made fun of how 'un–girly' I am so I wore a heel to school the next day. I wasn't used to heels so I walked extra carefully and slowly until the first bell rang and I didn't want to be late, being the nerd that I am." I groaned again at the memory. "Unfortunately, a lot of people also decided to be late this particular day and—"

"Let me guess you fell?" They were failing terribly at hiding their laughter.

"Um, yes I did. Face flat, right in front of Simon."

They were already tearing up by now and I glared playfully at them. "Simon?" Ivan asked when he was able to catch his breath.

"A crush." I answered and that caused another set of laughter. Assholes "it isn't funny!" I whined.

"The funniest so far!"

"How is that possible? You pissed yourself the first day you were kissed on the cheek!" Arthur did that. "And you thought your grandma is in love with you and you rejected her in front of the whole family!"

"She told me she loves me!" Ivan defended lamely.

"She said 'love you kiddo' Ivy...grandmas say that all the time!"

"Shut up"

"This is what you say when you're defeated."

"No I don't"

"Yes you do."

"I don't"

"You do."



"Don– "

"Will you guys just shut up?! I swear you argue way more than couples do."

"Shut up" Ivan and I groaned out at the same time then we glared at each other. I love it when I make him act like a kid. We glared down at each other turning it to a staring competition. Yeah, we are weird that way. "Weirdos" Arthur muttered but we ignored him. Anyway, I got bored soon and diverted my gaze. I looked around and something caught my interest.

"Ivan! Ivan!" I shook him violently.

"What?!" He snapped but I didn't care.

"Ice cream! I want ice cream! Get me one pleeaassee"


I pouted."please."

"I want one too. Come on Ivy." Arthur pouted too.

"Dude, if you want an ice cream, go get one."

"What about me?"

"Do I look like your boyfriend?"

"But you're my brother!"

"And you're also my best friend!" Arthur pleaded with me. "Please,"


I smirked. "Unless you want us to start chanting Ivy." I wiggled my eyebrows. He gave me a don't you dare look and I shrugged. "Ivy, ivy, ivy, ivy,..," Arthur joined me in the chanting and Ivan turn red.

"Fine! Fine!" We shut up. "You guys are gonna pay for this later." He stood up to get the ice cream.



He flipped us the finger and we laughed. "So dramatic."

"I never knew he had a sister."

"Well, I was with my mom before."

He nodded. "What happened?"

Curious. "Well, my mom is very busy so..."


"Um no. She just travel a lot."

He must have sensed my reluctance because he changed the topic. "So you decide to make it your life mission to embarrass Ivan?"

I laughed. "Yes. I love setting him off, it adorable." He chuckled. "We've been like that since we knew each other but we still manage to get along pretty well." I smiled.

"I can see that." We looked at Ivan who is now on the long ice cream line. "He look so pissed."

"He's just sulking."

Arthur laughed that charming laughter of his. God, he's so attractive. I love the way his eyes light up when he smiles or laughs, the way his lip– oh his lip, his amazing full pink lips. I wonder what it'll feel like to kiss those lips.

I didn't even realise I was looking at his lip until he said: "Earth to Amber?"

Then I did the most stupid thing ever, I kissed him. I was surprised by my own action so my eyes were wide open just like his. But when he start to kiss me back, I closed my eyes.

It didn't last though, it ended just as fast as it began. He gently pushed me away and I quickly regained my composure. What is wrong with me?!! I am not that desperate!!

"Oh my God!" I  said. "Oh my God I'm so sorry! I didn't know what came over me. I didn't know I was gonna do that. Oh my God I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad."

"It okay."


"Yeah, its fine. I-"

"What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing!" I answered quickly just as Arthur said. "Talking!"

Ivan gave us a weird look. "O-kay," he said slowly. "Here's your ice cream."

"Thanks." We both answered awkwardly.

The rest of the day was just awkward thanks to my stupidity. I tried avoiding Arthur which is very dumb but I think we already know I am are dumb. But after everything, only one thing stuck to my brain.

I kissed Arthur and he Kissed me back!!!.



You weren't expecting that were you?

Anyway, remember to VOTE and COMMENT. Thanks for reading!!! I love you sooooo much!!!

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