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I laughed when Ivan dropped the gamepad angrily, he lost again!

"Loser." Arthur snickered

I laughed again. "My turn!"

"Stupid game." The loser muttered before going into the kitchen.

"Stop sulking Ivy." I said using the nickname I created for him when we were younger. He hates the name because it's a girl name and also the name of the flower he happens to hate the most.

"Shut up!"

I laughed again. "Ready to get your ass beaten?" I said to Arthur.

He smiled. "Game on!"

We've been playing all day and I've managed to beat Ivan seven amazing times while Arthur and I are on a tie. This is the last round and whoever wins gets the golden trophy. Okay, that's a joke but she --because I'm sure as hell I'll win-- gets to choose what we'll do for the rest of the day.

Arthur and I have been getting along pretty well. I mean I had expected everything to be awkward since I have a crush on him and all but...it had just been...normal.

"I won!" I yelled and dropped the gamepad carelessly. I stood up and dusted my cloth with a big grin in my face.

Ivan came into the living room with plates of cookies. "Wow congratulations. What do you want me to get for you?" He said in a monotone and I smiled wider.

"Sore loser."

"Shut up idiot."

"What a great brother you are Ivy" I said sarcastically. "Calling me sweet names."

He smiled sheepishly. "Love you too Ams"

"Will you shut up both?"

I laughed. "What? You're a sore loser too?"

He rolled his eyes "I think I'm better than my wife."

My eyes almost popped out of my head. He's married?!! "You're married?!" I yelled out my thoughts.

Both Ivan and Arthur laughed. "Yeah I'm happily married to Ivan."

"Shut up dude." Ivan hit him by the shoulder. "We're not married."

I almost hit my self for being so stupid. Of course they weren't married.

"But you told me you love me!"

"No I didn't"

"And I asked you to marry me!"

Ivan snorted, "faggot."


"Homo bro"

"My butt buddy."

"Wow" I breathed out and they started laughing at their own stupidity. I guess I have an idea why Ivan calls Arthur 'faggot'. They snicker as they shove each other by the shoulders repeatedly. I swear I'll never understand these two. "Can you guys stop? You're acting like actual gay right now."

They both stop as if on cue. "Ewwww," they moved away from each other and I sigh in relieve. I never want to see that again.

I laughed. "Good." I grabbed a cookie and took a bite. "Now, you guys know I won right?" They both groaned and I chuckled. Sore losers. "So I get to decide what we do for the rest of the day."

"Like she's going to wanna do anything other than watching movies." Ivan murmured and I glare at him. I don't watch movie all the time.

I grinned. "We are going parking!" I announced happily.

Arthur gave me a confused look while Ivan glared at me. We seem to be doing that a lot lately. "Parking?"

"The park. I said parking so that Ivan could understand better." Arthur snickered and I laughed while Ivan turned red. I just love teasing him.

"Geez Amber, I was four and I don't even know why I told you that stupid story." I shrugged with a smile.

Arthur patted him, "I've learn so much more about you today pal and I can't wait to share." Ivan gave him a i–dare–you look that Arthur just laughed to. "Amber how have we not met sooner?!"

"I know!"

"We have to get to know each other better. I need to know all the embarrassing stuff about Ivan."

I laughed. "Oh trust me you will. I live to embarrass the shit out of him." He laughed and I totally ignore Ivan's murderous glare and smiled. "Oh! Here's one!" I pulled  Arthur closer and whispered: " when he was ten, I had this doll in a wedding costume that I totally hate. Ivan always go to sleep with that doll till now. He doesn't know that I know this."

Arthur's eyes widen at my little story and I giggled. "Seriously?"

"Uhm–uh" I nodded and flash Ivan a wicked smile.

"What did you tell him?"

"To the park it is! Come on get your sulking ass going!" Ignored his question  and made my way to the car outside.

I wasn't surprised when Ivan yelled: "AMBER!!! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU AND FEED YOUR DEAD BODY TO THE VULTURES!!!!!"  Fifteen seconds later.

I chuckled.



Do you think Amber and Arthur's relationship is going well? I really need your thoughts on this one.

Love you all!!


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