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We ended up in one hour detention. Simon waited, he claimed it was his fault we were late to class so immediately after detention, we went to some coffee shop near the school.

"How's highschool so far?"

I sighed. "Just the normal. Classes, homework, projects and all school's shits. Nothing entertaining." I said. Boring...except I had my first kiss but he doesn't need to know that. "But what about you? At least one of us should be having a good time."

Simon snorted. "Sucks. Apart from all those school's shits, basketball practice is hell. The seniors like to pick on us freshmen which is not cool. They call us fresh meat."

I laughed. "You'll be seniors one day."

"Can't wait. But highschool is still overrated."

I nodded with a small smile on my face. "Yep. Totally." I sipped on my coffee.

"So did you ever made the cheerleaders team?" He asked gesturing to my blond wig.

"Yep. I did." Then I frowned. "Saffron is a bitch though."


"Yeah, she's the head and she bitches about everything."

He laughed. "Typical cheerleader?"

I nodded with a laugh. "Yeah. Blonde with big blue eyes and a horrible character. If she expect me to become one her minions, then she can go fuck something." Simon threw his head back and laughed. "What? It the bitter truth."

"You're so blunt. I'm glad that hasn't changed."

His words hit something in me. I haven't changed totally, right? I mean my attitude is still the same and my hair and eyes. "I'm not planning to change anything." I said dryly, slightly offended.

He must have noticed this because his eyes grew wilder and he quickly said, "I know. I mean I wouldn't have you any other way."

I became flustered. What is this guy doing to me? "Does that mean you want me?" I played along with the flirt. Maybe he does like me.

"Uhm… would I have you if I want you?"

"That depends." I said with a knowing smile.

He leaned closer. "On what?" He said huskily.

I leaned forward, closer to him. "...on why you want me."

He leaned back and  smiled. "Guys should want you because of a lot of reasons, Amber. You're fun to be with, you're kind and generous, you're incredible, trustworthy, fantastic,extraordinary,...what else have I not mentioned?" He asked with a sheepish grin.

If he wasn't talking about me I would have said she's an amazing  person. I was blushing furiously by now, but I still manage to stay corky. "Great, marvelous, exceptional, fabulous, frabjous..." I listed.

Simon laughed. "Yeah, yeah those... and an amazing friend, you've got this amazing smile that lits up the world, not to mention that you're also beautiful both in and out even though you're sarcastic and sassy as hell. You're a wonderful person Amber and people love that about you."

I sipped my coffee to avoid grinning like a moron. No one has ever told me that and it's now coming from a guy who sees me as a friend and not more. "You're a great person too Simon and I'm not that wonderful."

He frowned even though there was a small smile on his face. "There's what you always do, you give yourself less credit than you deserve."

I shook my head. "I refuse to believe that, you're just whining me. You give me more credit than I deserve."

He laughed. "Alright, whatever makes you sane."

I gasped dramatically. "Does that mean I'm insane?"

He sipped his own coffee. "Uhm...what kind of person has a crazy friend?" I glared at him. He did not just use my own words against me. "Yea, right. An insane person."

"If you call me insane one more time, I swear I'll fucking end your lifetime!"

He laughed halfheartedly. Idiot.


After a lot of catching up, teasing, joking and empty threats, we went our separate ways with me promising to visit Poppy any time soon. Poppy is done with highschool but she's taking a year break before going to college. We met two years back when she was working in this bakery that I love so much. We worked out right away like we were meant to be friends even though she's a lot older than I am. Talking about her made me realise just how much I miss her. I must visit her soon.

"I'm home!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs to annoy Ivan. I didn't get a reply anyway, so I turned to the stairs that leads to my room.

I heard a laugh that is not Ivan's. "Hey Amber." Arthur's drool-able voice greeted me and I stayed shocked.





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