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We walked into the cafeteria and immediately I spotted Kaitlyn and Rosie, Rosie waved at me and I waved back a little trying to be mature and a twitched smile flickered on my lips. Such a happy girl Rosemary is, I've developed a liking for her the very first day we met (don't get me wrong, I'm not a lesbian. Infact I'm very straight). Sometimes, I wish I could be her.

  Soon enough, our table is completed and we talked like we always do. Well, today is different, we didn't choose to talk about boyfriends or gossip as usual but we talked about student government council which Mrs Andrews has been talking about. I didn't want to contest before but I figured out that if I want to be noticed I have to get some fame. If any one can do it, I can do it too. I'm going to contest even if it is just treasurer.

  "I want to contest", Kristy was saying " for class president. I think Raquel or Winnie is going to be my competitor."

  "Who's Raquel and Winnie?" I asked innocently.

  "Those girls over there, they're not the best type of girls. You won't even want to know them." Kaitlyn said and continued with her food.

  "I use to be their friend, you know. We seem like we're inseparable," Kayla clicks her tongue, "but here we are."

  I faced others, Rosie to be precise. "What do you think if I run for treasurer?"

  "I think that's great." Kristy beamed and I smiled.

  "Good for you, I'm not that good in maths." Kaitlyn said.

  Kristy and I signed up for candidates before going home.

  At night, before dinner, I got a call from Matthew and I couldn't help but think he has a crush on me. Well, too bad I don't.

  I got out of bed for dinner. After a meal of sandwich and milk with my family, I went back to bed. (I'm not a big eater).

Pearl meowed, she hopped on the bed and curled up beside me to sleep. She raised her head and meowed again.

  "I know," I answered her " I just can't seem to sleep. Silly
thoughts are in my head." I sighed and got off the bed with pearl in my arms and sat down on my chair in front of the window. I stroked Pearl's fur as I hopelessly talked to her. "Nothing is falling in the right place. It just feels like I'm repeating elementary and middle school all over again, nothing new. I want some attention, even if it just for a second, I want to know how it feels. Is that too much to ask, Pearl?"

   She meowed as though she is answering my question but I'm sure it only because I called her name.

  "Exactly," I commented anyway. "And there's this guy I have a crush on. Like the biggest crush ever. He's soooo handsome, I know it. I just wish I could see him again, maybe I'd have the chance to... maybe... just know his name. I know most girls don't dream like I do but I'm sure most girls also don't have a relationship history that suck much like mine. I get infact too jealous when my friends talk about guys they've dated and how romantic it was, it... makes me feel like I don't belong there. It kills me so bad and I want it to stop. I want to have a say in everything." I smile at the beautiful ending of my wished future. "What do you think, Pearl?"

   The white cat hopped off my lap and raced to the bed before meowing.

  I laughed at that. "Alright." I  walked up to my bed and tug myself in. "Goodnight pussycat." I joked and she meowed. I laughed again. "OK, OK, goodnight Pearl." I said and she made a funny sound as she curled up beside me. I looked at her close her eyes then force myself to sleep.



Sorry for the short update. Hope you are loving the story if you don't pls don't give up yet, I know the beginning is kinda boring. I'll try to make it more interesting.


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