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I opened my locker and shove in my back bag. It has been a whole week since the kiss happen and we haven't talked about it. Of course, I saw him again, He is Ivan's best friend. He avoids me apart from the occasional 'hey Amber', 'how are you doing Amber', and other simple greetings. I know I had expected him to act this way but at least, couldn't he act normal like the kiss didn't happen.

"Is this really the colour amber?"

I turned around to see who had made the ridiculous joke. "Simon?!"

"The one and only." He spreads his arm for a hug and I hugged him happily.

Simon was my friend in middle school. We weren't best friends but we were close to some extents. I had always had a mini crush on him and seeing him now, I realised I'm not over it.

"How come I've never seen you?"

He shrugged. "Well I couldn't recognize you too with the new look and all. Nice look by the way." He was talking about my blonde wig and blue contacts. Though I did some things to make me look prettier, I didn't change my black long hair and amber eyes. I love 'em.

"Actually, it a wig and contacts. I want to join the cheerleaders and they have a thing for blondes and blue eyes." He laughed and I chuckled.

"Yeah they do."

I decided against treasurer, It's such a lame post anyway. No offense to treasurers.

"So how's Poppy?" I asked referring to his elder sister.

He smiled. "She's fine and she misses you."

Poppy and I were friends and we were even closer than Simon and I are. I could even call her one of my best friends.

"Aw...I miss her too. Tell her I'm visiting soon."

He grinned, almost as if he is excited I'm coming to his house. "Will do but how come we never saw you during summer and we some how lost contacts?"

"I was with my aunt during summer and I changed my number."

He nodded. "That explains it." He opened his mouth to talk but was cut off by Kristy's loud voice.

"Amber! I've searched the whole school for you!"

"Hey!" I greeted.

She glared at me while Rosie said "hi". " Where have you been? First class is starting soon."

"I know." I turned to Simon. "This is my friend Kristy, she's crazy."

"Hey!" She hits my arm violently and we chuckled.

"And this is Rosemary also my friend but she's normal."

"And I'm not normal?" Simon and Rosie chuckled again but I ignored her. I'm so good at doing that.

"Guys this is Simon."

"You're not gonna say what he is to you?" Rosie said and I glared at her playfully.

"Her boyfriend." Simon said while grinning.

I snorted. "You wish." I said nonchalantly though I'm sure I'm turning into a tomato inside. Simon laughed and I glared at him. I seem to do that a lot.

Then the bell rang.

"Oh, that's my cue to leave. Uhm Amber? How about a cup of coffee after school? There's a lot to catch up on."

I smiled. "Sounds like a plan."

"'K, see you."


He flashed me a smile before disappearing into the crowds of rushing students trying to get to class in time. Uh, shouldn't we be doing that too?

I turned to my friends who were giving me weird looks. Idiots. "Let's go! I don't wanna get into detention." I walked around them towards calculus. Stupid class. Mr Allen, unlike the first day I met him, is strict and cruel. He won't even blink before giving us detention.

Kristy met my pace and bumped her hips into mine. "Simon, uh?"

I blushed a little but still manage to keep a straight face. "Why does this feel like déjà vu?" I asked referring to the time she said 'Matthew, uh?' but she just rolled her eyes. Anyway, I gave in. "We're just friends."

"Just friends?" Rosie helped Kristy in pestering me and I groaned internally. We are getting detention.

"Fine, fine! I had a little crush on him."


"A little?"

"Finnneeeee! I have a big crush on Simon since middle school and I'm not over it!" I said quickly while turning red. "Happy?!"

"I knew it!"

"Don't get excited over it or anything. It not as if I'd tell him and he doesn't even see me that way."

"Doubt that." Rosie said.

"Yeah. I've seen the way he looks at you he's probably heads over heels."

"And he even asked you on a date."

I almost laughed at what they're saying. "Not a date just coffee. Two friends out for coffee." I corrected. "Guys get over those fantasies, Simon and I are just friends." I said even though a part of me doesn't believe that.

Could Simon maybe, just maybe, like me?



So Simon and Amber. What do you think?

Are you shipping Simber or Ammon? Or Ambur or Arter?
OK even I don't like Arthur and Amber ship name but any way, Arthur or Simon?

Am I concentrating too much on Amber's relationship? Don't worry, I'm going to try and fix that.


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