1 ' In Which the Council gets Pissed Off

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The Allfather was never one to lash out at his council. John usually kept a clear head, preferring to keep his issues to himself until the Queen coaxed it out of him. But currently he paced around the throne room, rage evident in his darkened eyes. His council stood in a semi circle around his raised throne, flinching as he whipped his head towards them. The messenger that delivered the terrible news was ducking his head, long brown locks falling in front of his eyes and backing away respectfully so as not to catch the King's unintended wrath.

"This slight shall not be ignored," John growls, finally taking a seat in his grand golden chair and almost upsetting the drinks on the nearby servants tray.

His son would not be happy about spilt wine.

Static crackles audibly in the air, tensions rising with the physical sensation tingling on their skin.

"We should attempt to reason with them," one of the council men pipes up quickly. He was a wispy, thin fellow who obviously didn't eat much. But he wasn't on the council for his strength- it was the brain that John needed.

It is well known that whoever's advice the king takes becomes heralded as a hero among the nobles of Asgard, and many of the councilmen spoke up, hoping to be heard.

It drove John mad.

"No," another man butts in, frowning (this one a plump red haired fellow whose face turned pink with every laugh). "We should use this against the barbarians. Perhaps one of the Ordinat can be leveraged to give us information."

"That's absurd!" a third shouts, rolling his eyes and gently swatting the red haired man on the back of the head. "If the organization has revoked their deal with us, they are our enemies now!"

John's eldest, Prince Samuel Winchester, suddenly opened the large double doors from the end of the room, long brown hair and sharp face causing the councilors to grimly scowl. John always listened to his sons. Sam grinned, walking up to his father, right past the council. "Send me, Father. My warriors and I can make this right."


"Yeah. Of course Dean too."

A dark chuckle sounded from the open doors, and the men of the council shudder in their tunics, shooting quick glances at the younger prince's silhouette.

Dean leaned on the marble wall, jacket boots and unfavorable haircut all the same.

This also drove John mad.

Dean's close relationship with the gatekeeper got him perks and.. souvenirs you'd say from other realms.

And ladies of course. Dean couldn't resist the feel of foreign women. Their awe at his realm before he whisked them away to his chambers was a drug he needed to keep taking.

"I'm Batman," he grinned, leaving his audience confused, " from the- oh nevermind."

"You find that funny Dean?" Sam questions, taking a regal spot next to his father- who glowered from his throne.

Dean laughs again, finally gracing his brother with a cold, green stare. "Oh come on Sammy, you think your blundering band of boars can do anything to help this?"

"Im not fond of the bloodshed Dean I admit, but after all these attacks- they raided a village! Took women and children. Somethings going on and we have to stop it."

"You dont think i know that!? Huh Sam?" Dean threatened, prepared to go all in.

That is until John raised his hand and shot both sons a hard iron look.

"Silence!" John commands, and though his voice is calm and steady- the men treat it as a shout. He turns to the council , who all snap out of their dazes immediately. "Leave me with my sons."

The six men bow in almost-unison and scurry from the council room, muttering amongst one another about how their advice is never taken by their king.

As soon as the door closes, Dean speaks. "Dad look -"

"Silence," John commands again. His eye flits between the princes, Sam standing and Dean leaning back all too comfortably in his own chair. "This behavior is unacceptable. If the two of you are unable to control your tongues in the presence of the council, perhaps neither of you are mature enough to accompany these meetings. Dean I've already said that while you can come with me on the field, your presence here is.. not welcome. You're good in heart and smart, but your reckless attitude and carelessness is going to find me enemies."

His words cut Dean deeply, while Sam awkwardly looked at his hands. Despite all that Dean did- he still had a closer bond with their father. Sam.. well he's done some things that didnt make John too happy.

From the midgardian lover named Jessica to his profound interest in Earthling customs, to the day Sam applied for school on that lower realm, leaving Asgard and the Winchesters behind.

"Father -" Sam tries again, but is once more cut off.

"Keep yourself free of trouble for the time being," John orders, placing his head in his hands and stretching the skin above his eyes. "The both of you are dismissed."


Sam hums as he walks, his four friends following in his wake. Sam was always better at making friends than anyone in his family, and even though Dean tagged along sometimes.. He would never have what Sam had with these people. Ash lags behind the group's strides and Hjor exchanges a glance with Benjamin following a noticeable look at Sam's back.

"Although I agree that the betrayal is cause for a fight, you shouldn't go," Madison states from the prince's side.

"I know. I will not," he replies tightly, and then sighs as his pace slows.

He's been walking without thought, letting his feet guide him to the edges of Asgard's mighty kingdom. The outskirts of the city are not a usual place for the older prince to grace and the people notice and whisper.

"Let's go riding, Sam," Ash suggests. "It will do you well."

"I agree," Madison seconds. "To take your mind off things." she places a hand on his shoulder, giving a small smile.

Sam pauses a moment before taking her hand in his, gently lowering them down, and then with a shrug of his shoulders, relents.


A/N Castiel will be here next chapter I promise!

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