12 ' In Which Castiel Gets Some Bonding Time

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Charlie takes Castiel to the lesser dining hall for lunch.

"That's the grand hall," the girl tells him as he passes it. "Every evening, a feast is held within. It's also where royal dinners take place."

"Okay," Cas replies, for lack of anything better to say.

He is already lost within the palace. The grandness of the building has worn off, and with every twist and turn, he becomes more irritated than impressed. He walks with more confidence in his leathers (he's taken to calling them that as well, as they truly are more leather than fabric), and although they fit tightly to his body, Charlie tells him they are made that way purposefully.

The lesser dining hall does not seem in any way "lesser" to Cas. The ceiling is vaulted glass, allowing the sun to beam down over the tables. Charlie stands behind him as he eats, and will not sit with him even after he invites her.

"I eat in the servant's hall, my lord," she tells him, shaking her head.

"Not you, too," he says, groaning. "Don't call me that, alright? Just... just call me by my first name."

Charlie looks at him uncomfortably. "If they hear me call a royal guest by his first name, man I'll get in serious trouble from Henrikson."

She sees the lack of comprehension in Cas's eyes as he stares at her.

"The servant master," Charlie explains, and he rolls his eyes at her.

"Can you safely call me by my last name?"

Charlie bobs her head from side to side, an unsure look on her face. "Maybe. If you instruct me to."

"Then go with that, I guess," Cas grumbles, returning to his food in exasperation. "Better than 'lord'."

"Uh- what is your last name?"

Castiel is quick to tell her, and she nods.

Charlie, in all honesty does not know what to make of him. The other servants had told her she would be dead upon arrival, or at least have been screamed at by now. Castiel has been a little standoffish, yes, but she's never heard of a servant being asked to sit with a charge before.

When he finishes his food, someone comes to clear his place. Cas tries to tell them he can do it himself, and they look at him as if he's gone mad.

"Pardon my asking, but have you never had a servant before?" Charlie questions as she leads Castiel back to his room.

"No," he tell her, frowning. "No, definitely not. I like doing things for myself."

"Well, you can cause a mighty disruption if you continue with your actions," the girl tells Castiel gently. "We are paid for our work, and we do it well. It is an insult to try and take that from us - it's saying you could do it better."

Once more, Cas isn't sure what to say, and the walk is starting to make him tired. "Well, you saw me when we first met. I certainly couldn't have untied that suit better than you did."

Charlie snorts again, somewhat hiding the laugh behind her hand. Cas finds the gesture endearing, and decides that if he had to have someone to show him around, at least it was her. "You're not gonna' be with me, like, twenty-four-seven though, are you?" he asks.

She turns to look back at Cas as you both climb the stairs to his living quarters. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, where do you sleep, and what do you do when you're not saving me from suits and showing me around?"

She giggles this time, and Castiel for a second wonders if it was a different girl laughing. She shows him the callouses on her hands. "I used to work in the kitchens. And once you leave us, I suppose I'll go back there. Helping you is a nice break, to be true." She turns and begins heading up the stairs again, Cas starting to lag farther and farther behind. "I sleep across the hall from you now, so if you ever need anything from me, you can just call."

"Alright," he puffs, determined to make it up the last ten stairs without anyone helping him.

Charlie begins to head down the steps to assist him, but one look from him stops her. When he finally reaches her, he grins triumphantly. For a moment they were friends, with dorky laughs and dorky smiles.

The smile slides from Castiel's face when he spots a tall figure leaning on the wall beside his door

A/N sorry this chap is so short, I plan them all out with as many details as possible- I didn't realize how little plot I gave this one!! Hopefully the next one will make up for it ;)

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