13 ' In Which the Fighting Only Continues

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Charlie was afraid of Castiel at first, but the Prince makes her shake in her shoes. She has seen Dean's chaos from a distance, and anytime he draws anywhere near her she feels a dark and vicious vibe emanating from him. He's a broken man. The poor girl takes a few steps back, accidentally bumping into Castiel, before bowing low before Prince Dean.

"Great. You," Cas says, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms while doing his best not to wheeze.

The callous way in which Castiel talks to the prince leaves Charlie in apprehensive awe, though she does not look up from the ground. Cas notices her, and his brows come together when he sees her subjection.

"Oh, stop it,"Cas tells her, but she doesn't rise.

Dean hasn't said anything. He isn't even sure why exactly he's here. He'd knocked upon Cas's door and received no answer, and had been about to depart when he heard the warrior's voice floating up the stairs.

He had expected him to be in the hideous blue outfit. The sight of Cas in the leather leaves him without a taunt or barb, and he has no idea how to deal with that.

If he did't despise Castiel with every fiber of everything he's ever been.. Dean would have different thoughts right now. 

"Hey, asshole, stop it," Cas tells him, pointing to the girl.

Dean finally notices poor Charlie, and sees how Cas pulls on her shoulder. She won't rise until Dean tells her to, and he grins maliciously at Castiel. "Ask kindly."

The warrior's fists clench as anger hits him. He  knows he's still weak, and still winded from the stairs, but he marches up to him ready to swing.

He sees the fury in Cas, over a girl he surely just met, and it makes him laugh. "Go ahead, stand up girl, so I don't have to kill your charge."

Charlie straightens at once, her eyes wide and horrified at the sight of Cas standing before the prince.

"Are you going to strike me?" Dean taunts Cas, his words light and humorous.

He knows this will make him even angrier, and it does. "Why are you here?" he hisses, venom dripping from every syllable.

Dean doesn't like this question, as he isn't sure himself, so he deflects. "You have a servant now? Still too weak to do much on your own, it seems." He shoves his hands in his pockets, and no matter how casual and low his clothing looks, everyone knows he's one of the most powerful people here.

"She's not my servant," Cas tells him, and had he been younger, would have stamped his foot. "She's... my helper."

Dean looked over at Charlie, who stares at the floor under his gaze. "I see a servant's smock."

Cas is close enough to Dean already, enough to see the flecks of color in his eyes and the rough spots on his lips where he bites them in boredom.  He wishes he had his strength back, so that he could force his energy at the ground to hover up higher than Dean's level. Instead, he backs away and noticeably surveys him. "And I see a caped bastard."

Cas glances him from head to toe, and then the sneer that followed, makes him angry without reason. Dean scowls at him, and Charlie fears he will murder Cas where he stands.

The Sun Doesn't Rise in Heaven { Destiel }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora