11 ' In Which Charlie Provides Some Help

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Cas is nervous when it is time to leave the infirmary. He's doubly nervous because while the Asgardian servants work on creating his new garb, he has to wear a formal suit. The fabric feels stiff, as if it hasn't been worn in a long time, and it's, of course, too large for his stature.

"What are they feeding you people?" Cas asks the woman nurse that helps him dress (who is also taller than him).

"I have no idea what you mean," she replies, shaking her head as she finishes with smoothing out the back.

Cas doesn't know where the nurse found the article of clothing, but he wishes she had left it where it was. It's a pale blue color that does nothing to flatter his skin tone or figure. Castiel thinks to himself that it would have looked marvelous on his friend Gabriel, although sadly... he isn't here.

For a second he believes that the nurse is trying to cut off his circulation by pulling the collar so tight, when in fact she is just trying to keep the damn thing from falling off of him. It's an old suit of her son's, and it really is an ugly thing, so she doesn't feel bad about watching Cas walk out in it.

They allow him to wear his boots and he clutches his bag's strap after swinging it over his shoulder, worrying his lip as he follows Queen Mary's servant, Ava, out of the infirmary.

The Asgardian palace is absolutely phenomenal. Castiel could lose himself in the golden archways, the marbled walls and floors, the white and gold columns that line the halls. He's used to these type of palaces to be honest, but Asgard has a certain magic about it that he can't comprehend. As if a part of him belonged here.

He scoffs at such an idea.

People bustle through the halls and rooms of the central palace – servants doing their duties, guards patrolling on their routes, and various nobles and lesser royals going about their business. Cas can feel notice the people's eyes following him as he walks, barely able to keep up with the nurse. He can feel himself tiring already, reminding him that he is still weak.

The stairs are the worst. He isn't sure if he's going to make it, and Ava asks several times if he's alright. Castiel insists every time that he's fine, there's nothing to worry about..  although his breath comes shorter and shorter when he talks.

Ava wonders what the queen would say to her if she lets the guest pass out in the stairwell, and decides she doesn't want to find out. The servant lends her shoulder to Cas for the remainder of the climb, his face reddening in humiliation.

"Thank you," he tells her, giving a small bow to her at the top of the stairs.

Ava is a woman of warmth once she gets to know someone. This is one of the reasons the queen chose her as one of her personal servants. And although she doesn't know Cas, the fact that he would thank a simple servant for her help makes Ava smile.

"Fret not," she tells Cas. "We're almost there, now! Just a little further."

There are no people in the halls down this wing of the palace. The lower levels of the grand building are for business, dining, or audiences. Above are the areas of living. Ava leads him down the hall and to a door on the left. She slips a small, golden key from her pocket and unlocks Castiel's new room.

"Here you are," she says softly to him, setting the key on a small table near the door. "Mary has had us put new sheets on the bed for you, and if you find even a mite of dust anywhere, I'll eat my apron."

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