10 ' In Which Dean Ruins the Good Mood

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Mary's servants tell her Dean has missed several of his meetings. Well, they don't outright tell her, as this might be considered rude. However, they do not keep their voices down about it when she is near, knowing any whispers of her sons pleases the queen.

They talk of Sam, walking the marketplace with Madison, or making bold, drunken statements in the feast hall, or how kind he is to the servants, not letting anyone go unnoticed in the fun.

These make her chuckle under her breath, pleased her oldest is as loving as ever.

The whispers of her youngest interest her in a different way. He has missed a few meetings (she is not surprised). He's been in the infirmary all too much lately, they say. Is he conspiring with the Bloody Warrior? They wonder aloud which shall kill the other first. There are tales of constant arguments from the two that echo down the halls.

Mary is not one to put stock into the rumors about her sons, although she likes to stay in the know about who is saying what (as her servants are aware). However, she is always able to discover the truth, and the queen intends to sate her curiosity.

Olav has told her that Cas is almost well enough to leave the infirmary. Therefore, the next afternoon, the Allmother visits his sickbed.

Cas is reading another of Dean's 'books' when he hears the door open. Dean left it behind when he made his exit yesterday, and Cas had no hesitation in picking it right back up. He takes a pause in his readings without lifting his eyes from the page, huffing in agitation.

"Listen, assbutt, I'm almost done with it, okay? I swear, if you take –"

Cas take a look up and feels the words die on his lips. It is not the smirking face of Prince Dean, but his mother, the queen, with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh... sorry," he is quick to apologize, and then realizes he is supposed to bow in her presence.

If it was Dean he'd forget about it. However, he can't help but respect this queen. She saved his life, defended him to her husband, and has been nothing but kind to him. Cas clumsily gets to his feet and actually produces a graceful bow people thought him incapable of.

"All is forgiven," Mary tells him, a smile playing on her lips.

She thinks she knows why her son visits him.

Cas immediately rights himself, setting the book on his bedside table. Queen Mary is pleased to see him standing, and walks close enough to be able to have conversation while keeping her distance so that Cas will remain comfortable.

Castiel is quick to notice this, and decides then and there that he likes this woman. She can see that he relaxed, and smiles pleasantly at him. "Olav tells me that you'll be able to leave the infirmary in a few days."

"Yes!" Cas answers, feeling his eyes light up. "I can actually walk on my own now. And I don't throw up as much. So that's good."

"Excellent," the queen tells him, nodding her head. "I'm glad to see you better recovered. Tell me, have you any requests for your new quarters?"

Confusion crosses Cas's features. He doesn't feel worthy of any place in these marble halls, and although he tries to hide it, the queen sees. "Uh, no," he tells her. "Really, I'll be alright in the barracks, or wherever else. I need to start training again anyway. I've been laying around way too long, ma'am."

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