9 ' In Which Torture is the Best Part

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The palace grounds are beautiful, as is all of Asgard. Tall hedges have been magically crafted into shapes and creatures of all sorts, gorgeous flowers bloom along the sidewalks and pathways, and the palace groundskeepers see that the grass is always a dark, beautiful green. There are several fountains around the palace, the water within shimmering almost golden under the sun's brilliant light.

Cas can see some of this from his window, on his good days, when he has the strength to make it to the cushioned sill.

He cannot, however, see beyond the wall that surrounds the palace. That is where the market lies, where the city's people walk the paved streets. The nobles live closest to the palace, their houses grand and ornate. They are the ones who have the privilege to frequent the palace grounds if they so wish, to sup near those grand doors. They only enter the building, however, with permission or cause (such as the evening feasts); but the grounds are theirs.

The commoners dwell farther from the palace wall. These are the people the nobles sneer at in the marketplace, for while the nobles get the grounds, both must still buy bread.

Today, Prince Sam and his friends walk the streets of Asgard, happily talking amongst one another. People call out to the prince, greeting him as he passes. Sam is well loved among the Asgardians. He is their protector, their victor in battle, their calm and collected mind – he keeps them safe. He walks among them, as if he is but a commoner himself.

The women call to him especially, living out imagined scenarios of grandeur silently in their minds. What woman wouldn't dream of being behind palace walls, of living out her days in comfort and glory, worshipped by those around her?

There was a time when Sam would have spared a wink rather than a wave to some of these women. But he is caught up in conversation with Madison, who is always more than pleased to have captured the prince's attention.

No, he's not been after any woman for quite some time, and Madison silently thanks the nine for it.

She is not a jealous woman. She's a warrior, and is quite content to fight alongside Sam. She's happy to be near him, to be his friend, or sister in arms, or whatever he requires of her. However, she can't help but ask about Castiel.

"You have not been back to the infirmary, Sam?" Madison questions as their company walks.

Sam gives a group of idle girls a casual wave, and although he hadn't even looked their way, they dissolve into giggles. "No, I have not."

"And good for that," Hjor grunts.

"I'm sure you at least thanked him," Ash says, pushing a lock of hair from his face and shooting a grin at the giggling girls.

They still only have eyes for the god of visions, and Ash cuts his own gaze to the heavens. He's used to this.

"I did," Sam tells him, quick to defend his honor. "And he repaid the kindness, although I would not go so far as to call him kind."

"Not what you thought he'd be, then?" Sam's other friend asks, joining in on the gossip of the foreignerr. Andy's smile is  twitching as he smirks at Ash's futile efforts to gain attention from others in the presence of Sam.

"He is harsh, and curt. A foreigner, new to this realm," Sam attempts to explain, ignoring Hjor's muttered comment of "monster" under his breath.

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