8 ' In Which Dean Starts to Care a Little

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Mary asks him where he's been. Dean shrugs, feigning disinterest.

"I went to ask the murderer questions."

"Why do you insist on calling him that?" Mary asks, looking up from the ledger she's been pouring over for the past hour.

Dean has a retort ready, on the tip of his tongue, and instead takes his seat and replies with, "I don't know. And I don't care. What is our budget for the upcoming festivities?"

Mary answers, although she eyes her son carefully as he glances over the numbers and notes she's drawn up.

"How is the warrior?" she questions.

Dean shrugs. "Infuriating. Wish I hadn't gone to talk, if I'm being honest."

Mary changes the topic, having gotten all of the information on the situation from his statement.

Only a mother can discern the truth from the Prince of Adventure.


Castiel's irritation grows ever stronger when Dean remains his only visitor for days on end. He needles him with insults, hitting ever so lightly on the things that he hides deep. He acts as if he knows him, and his arrogance makes Cas hate him even more.

For every sharp word he has for him, he finds something to retort with. Cas has his own way of discovering his insecurities, something that deeply unsettles the prince.

It's hard to hide from Castiel. He has experience in catching even the slightest facial expressions, and Dean wonders how he developed this skill.

Cas's nurses have filled Cas in on the younger prince's monikers, none of them kind. A Jerk, Lord of Travel, liesmith, Squirrel, the lying god, the Prince of Mischief. He truly has made a name and reputation for himself.

One of the nurses dares to tell him that Dean's real name is Danevan. And he despises it. Castiel doesn't have the grace to hide his laughter.

Cas just calls him Dean. He can tell it irritates him; that someone he hate uses his name as if they were friends. Cas never calls him "prince" unless it's in a scathing tone. He diminishes Dean to nothing more than a commoner, and he absolutely despises it.

And when Cas shortens his name even more, to "Dee", he doesn't come to see Castiel for two days.

Angering the prince serves to be Cas's entertainment, and (although Cas would never admit it, not even to himself) he looks forward to his visits. He brings witty conversation, casual hostility, and more importantly, interest. Cas despises being bored. And trapped in this room, Cas's weak legs barely able to hold him up (let alone take more than a few steps) he is nothing but bored.

Cas has no idea that this is the very reason the Prince of Assholes continues to visit him. Boredom is his ever-present enemy, and Cas have unwittingly vanquished it.


Olav is tired. He's tired of caring for Cas, and it makes him snippy. The man is aware that Cas is just as irritated by his own recovery speed as he is, but that doesn't stop him from resenting the warrior. And with Dean ever-present, Olav soon only comes to Castiel's room to bring him food.

So the night his dreams inadvertently make him rip the thin flesh covering his wounds, no one checks on him.

He awakens to his blood flowing freely, soaking his clean robe and white bed sheets. Cas stumbles out of bed to his feet, still half asleep but knowing he needs help, and fall to the cold floor.

This is how the prince finds him. He's brought a book with him today. He's sure the title will intrigue Cas, and when the warrior will ask about it, he'll tell him nothing. Childish, but amusing. Dean loves seeing the result of his mischief light a fire in Castiel's eyes. Cas is weak in body, but makes up for that with his mind.

Sometimes, it's as if Cas is two different people. One is cold, harsh, and uncaring. The other is fiery, full of emotion, and as mischievous as he is.

Today Cas is neither.

He drops his book, Cas's blood making a stark contrast to the white of the room. But the Prince does not care about a lowly foreigner, of course, so he takes his time walking to him. He does hate Cas, as it is.

Castiel hears Dean's footsteps approach and groan in pain. He finally bends down and lifts his upper body from the floor.

"Good ol' Danevan to the rescue," Cas states weakly, his whole body shaking with the effort to keep his head up.

"Call me that again, and I shall leave you to die in your disgusting puddle of blood," he answers, his green eyes burning.

"I hate myself," Cas tells him as his arms shake. "I hate this. When is it over?"

Dean pulls open Cas's bloodied robe once he's laying on the bed again. The prince channels his magic to his hands, the blue glow causing his eyes to open.

"Don't touch me," Castiel says to him, a weak scowl darkening his features as he glares.

"Silence, fool," Dean orders, placing his hands upon Cas and watching his his skin slowly begin to heal over once more.

There is hate in Cas's eyes when Dean looks at him. He knows Cas hates him. Cas knows it's because he has power when he does not. Because Cas feels helpless while he is strong. Because Cas despises his company, but if not for him, he'd have no one to talk to. And also because he's an insufferable, sharp-tongued bastard. He knows all of this.

And he lets Cas keep hating him. Dean lists his reasons for hating Castiel in his mind as they both glare at one another, his skin almost repaired underneath his fingertips.


Olav is walking down the hall alone when the prince finds him. He gasps in surprise as his body slams violently into the wall, a forearm suddenly across his windpipe. Dean pushes him up, so that their faces are level with one another. Olav's feet dangle helplessly, and he grips the prince's arm in a futile effort to free himself.

"Clean his room of the blood. Fetch him new robes. And if this happens again, you won't have to worry about your nursing duties at all. Although it's obvious you already don't."

Dean removes his forearm from Olav's throat and walks away, leaving the sputtering and gasping man with the thoughts of the death threat lingering in his ears.


Hey, Gabriel. I'm alive. Will be down and out for a bit, but I'm okay. Don't come looking for me.

Hey! Good to know that you're alive! What kind of down and out are you? Are you getting healing?


Okay, heal up. Let me know your progress. I've found something that you'll wanna know.


A/N : I know this is short forgive meee

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