2 ' In Which Castiel is Introduced

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It took him forever to suss out where the last Ordinat filth were hiding themselves. He knew they'd be looking for him, but never would he have guessed that they would be waiting for him as he arrived.

Cas turned and slashed yet another body, his sword cutting clean through flesh and bone as it always has. The man falls screaming, and Cas winces- the expression quickly dissipating as another enemy replaces the fallen and lunges at him.

Castiel's strikes and blows come easy, his well-trained muscles reacting on reflex after hundreds and hundreds of battles. Once he's finished with these troops, it'll be simple to scout out what twisted group of people the Ordinat have latched onto. And when he finds them, he'll only have one more battle to fight.

And then it will finally – truly – be over. The justice will be served. 

Cas never imagined he would be in this situation. He never wanted to shed blood so ruthlessly.. and so alone. 

He feels for his power, knowing it will expend his energy and still deciding it worth it. Darkness streaks from around him, spearing enemies that had him surrounded. Men and women scream, their dying sounds like music to his ears.

Somehow he still winces. 

Oh, how Castiel hates the Ordinat. How he will make the organization pay for all that they took from him.

He pushed his energy towards the ground, the dirt shifting as he launches into the air. Blood rains down on the warriors below from the gash in his side, but Castiel has long forgotten that it hurts. He fears nothing, not even death.

Castiel would welcome death. But.. not yet. His duty wasn't done. Not until the last base falls. He's been waiting so long to put your sword through Vitran's heart, and Cas is not keen on waiting too much longer for the occasion. And Vitran knows it.

Fire flies from his fingertips down on the tops of heads, lighting them like candles. Once more, wails fill the air as the Ordinat members die. Cas wonders how many more there are, when they'll turn from you and run, or will they finally overpower him with an army. 

Cas suddenly felt something prick the skin on his neck, but before he can put his hand to the wound an arrow blasts through his shoulder. He's enraged. No matter how much he expected it, being wounded in the heat of battle is a new feeling every time. He turns and destroy an entire area of fighters, his power scattering bits of their bodies in different directions.

Castiel rips the arrow from his shoulder, blood flowing freely once more, only to feel pain erupt from his stomach and through his clothing. His fingers fumble on the spear point, red staining his fingertips and spreading, with the taste of blood bursting in his mouth. The tip of the weapon glows yellow, the energy burning into him.

He's no longer thinking clearly. He's back once more, at another time and place, when he thought he was dying. Cas knows better than to lose his head, but he's so close to victory that he can't help but want to finish this quickly. A scream of rage tears from his throat, and without thinking... he let loose.

Cas feels more wounds open as he slaughters those surrounding him.  A sword buries itself next to the spear as its owner's head becomes free of his body. Something lodges in his leg, causing his hamstring to snap painfully. He growls, pushing his energy at the ground to remain upright.

But he's getting sleepy. Cas is confused, to whether it's the loss of blood, or if his energy stores are tapped. He's never been this tired in battle before, and his heart starts pumping faster. There are only a few more, he's sure. He can make it.

Another arrow, glowing brightly, strikes his back, red blooming like a rose. He whips around, blasting the woman with darkness. From behind her, at the edges of the bloody battlefield, there are five people mounted on horses.

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