7 ' In Which They Only Hate Each Other More

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Dean looks at over at Cas, peeking up from the pages of his book when the sleeping warrior begins to mutter in his sleep. Dean is tired as well – he was up all night, after all – but he can't make his mind quiet after all of the excitement.

Without the coma keeping a hold of Castiel's body, he is much more mobile. Dean watches his lips move as he forms words, flecks of blood still present around them. He cannot quite make out what he's saying, and he tells himself it doesn't matter anyway.

He's angry that he forgot his purpose for keeping Cas alive. He thinks about waking him, demanding the answers he was supposed to grace him with when he first woke and realized who he was.

This is not how things were supposed to have happened.


When Cas finally wakes, he is facing the prince, who has fallen asleep strewn across his chair. He rolls his eyes and glares at his resting form. Of course the bastard would still be here.

He decides to go for his journal while he sleeps, hoping his comrade, Gabriel, hasn't decided to come trooping across the universe looking for him. However, as he stretches out his arm, he noticed that the prince has placed his bag just out of reach.

Dean knew what he was doing. That must be why he looked at Cas as he placed it. Cas has no idea why the asshole wants to waste his time torturing him, but he's starting to accept it.

Castiel tests his energy, cautiously attempting to pull the bag towards him with it. Instead, a heavy wave of nausea strikes him, and he doubles over as he dry-heaves.


"Go away," Cas says hours later, unable to take the prince's presence a second longer.

"No," the prince replies, casually flipping a page in his book without looking at Castiel.

"Don't you have, like, princely duties or something else to do?"

"You must mistake me for my brother," Dean says back, once again not looking up from his novel.

Cas notices the slight change in his voice as he speaks, and Cas grins at him. "So, you're the baby prince, then, huh? Wanted to be king, but got stuck with a big, smarter older brother."

Now Dean looks at Cas, with ice in his gaze. "Silence."

"Ha! You can dish it, but you can't take it," Cas jeers, smirking at him.

Dean does not outwardly puzzle over the phrase. Understanding hasn't always come quick to Dean, and although he knows he isn't the smartest Winchester son, that doesn't make him stupid.

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