3 ' In Which Dean Decides Not to be an Asshole

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Dean sits with his mother, quietly leafing through the pages of his novel before shoving it aside in disgust. Mary the Allmother reads in the chair beside him. She quite enjoys reading, and takes even more pleasure in the pastime when her youngest son accompanies her.

They sit, content with their silence, in her lavish quarters. Dean has always been drawn to knowledge, being the god of adventure, and while John forbade his other realm travels, Mary had made sure to seek out rare and outlandish literature to fill her personal library.. and to fill Dean's thirst for other worlds.

There comes a rapid knock at the door, causing both mother and son to look up from their pages.

"Queen Marian! You must come quickly!"

It's her personal servant, Liddy. The woman sounds panicked, as if she's seen something horrid (which she most certainly has). Mary quickly gets to her feet as she calls for Liddy to enter.

The servant bursts through the door, her round face red and blotchy. "M'lady, I'm so sorry to disturb you. Sam has brought a warrior with him, and he's bloodied beyond belief! The nurses say they don't even see how he's alive! He's not from around these parts, if I didn't know better I'd say he's one of those demonic people from Hel-"

Mary quickly snaps her head towards Liddy, eyes wide. "We do not speak of demon here Liddy. They do no exist."

Dean rolls his eyes, stretching his arms behind his head and sighing. "Why does my dear brother feel the need to drag every sick person down our halls?"

"Says the one dragging every other realm lady through our halls for a good nights sleep," Mary chided, a small grin gracing her face. 

"I do give them a good night I'll admit," Dean laughed.

"He claims he saved his life," Liddy answers, although she speaks to Mary and not her son.

Mary does not take long to make her decision. She's no idea what situation Sam could've gotten himself into, but if this man is important enough for Sam to bring back to the palace, then he's important enough for her to attend to. If this traveler truly did assist her son, she's no qualms about keeping him alive.

"Then we shall save his life in return, if possible," the queen says calmly. "Lead the way, Liddy."

The two women begin their rushed walk to the infirmary, and Dean sinks back into his comfortable seat. He has no interest in the event, and doesn't wish to be dragged into it. He summons a servant with a lazy swish of his hand, and immediately a beer is brought to him. 

"What befell this man, that he's in such a state?" Queen Mary asks her servant.

Had the marble halls of the Asgardian palace not carried echoes so loudly, Dean would have missed the answer. However, he clearly hears Liddy explain that Sam told them he fought at least a hundred barbarians – alone – before being taken down.

And although he's sure Sam is exaggerating, Dean knows his brother wouldn't lie about somethig like that.

He decides the traveler might be worth a glance after all.


The Allmother gasps when she sees him. She can't help it. She's seen many things in her long life, and helped with many injuries, but had she not witnessed the rise and fall of the man's chest, she would have pronounced him dead at sight.

"What is this guy, dead or something? Doesn't matter if he kills thousands of enemies, it don't mean jack shit if you're dead," Dean says smirking, his sharp gaze taking in the blood-soaked bandages and bedsheets.

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