2- Parties and Drunks

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The next morning Ivory woke up to Charlotte shaking her.

"Wake up sleeping beauty we need to get our timetables at breakfast" she nagged.

Ivory's first thought was the boy, who Charlotte had told her was called Regulus Black. Apparently, he was a fellow slytherin who had been in the same year as them from the past five years, but Ivory had simply never noticed him.

She refused to talk to Charlotte about it and knowing how stubborn Ivory was Charlotte soon gave up.

"Anyway, what will you be wearing to the Ravenclaw welcome back party?"

" I don't know, when is the party?"

She looked over to see Charlotte looking in the mirror perfecting her signatures blood red lipstick.


"I'll just pick then, it's the same story every time I plan out an outfit and then change it last minute, so I'll just pick last minute" Ivory decided.

Charlotte had a look on her face, a look that Ivory knew all too well.


"Yes, my bestie forever"

"Why do you have that look on you're face?"

"What look?"

" Your I- have-a-scheme-which-probably-won't-work-but-I'm-amazing-so-who-cares look" she retorted "what are you up to?"

"You'll just have to wait and see bestie, you're welcome in advance, I'm the best thing that's ever happened in your life." She makes a dramatic gesture with her hands and shouts "sashay away"and walks out the dormitory door.

Leaving Ivory trying to hold back a chuckle.

Ivory was making her way to defence against the dark arts, alone.

Charlotte was busy snogging a Hufflepuff in a broom closet after she saw Victoria for the first time, she couldn't contain herself after seeing Victoria's now pink hair.

Ivory was distracted, looking out the window, watching a sapphire blue bird flying around, she didn't notice the annoyed looking boy coming her way.

She abruptly bumped into something  and fell onto the floor. Regulus Black stood there looking back at her, "that's the second time you've tripped me over, you really need to watch where you're going" she said.

"Don't tell me what to do, you filthy half blood!" He retorted, voice no longer polite but rude.

"I was just saying...." she answered taken a back.

He gave a scowl and walked away leaving a confused Ivory standing in the corridor.

That day, Ivory couldn't help but stare at Regulus, still unsure of why he acted so rude.

Every time their eyes locked he would glare and look away leaving Ivory annoyed and a bit hurt.


The party was today and Ivory was dressed in a little black dress. It was simple and elegant but it was perfect for her. She matched it with a messy bun, black tights, a black chocker and black wedges.

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