10-Quidditch and Periods

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As Ivory woke up she felt something wet near her abdomen. She quickly got up to see her white T-shirt was a crimson red from the back and a large dark stain on her sheets and black leggings.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" She shrieked.

"What's wrong?" Asked Lilith walking up next to her, as her eyes found the stain and blood she sighed. "You too. I swear periods are the worst!"

"Tell me about it, I'm gonna be on fucking agony all day. I've gotten used to the pain and i don't yell out anymore but it doesn't mean the pain get any less fucking painful!"

"I know right. Regulus and Theo just make fun of me, they don't get it. They think I'm just being whiney."

"Well, Do you any spell that could help me with this." She gestured to the stain wildly.

"Yeah, Sorry!" She murmured a spell under her breath, pointing her wand at the stain and clothes. Suddenly they began sinking into the middle till it was gone.

"So today's the match right. You got an outfit picked out?"

"Yes, you?"


"Let's get to breakfast."

After getting dressed in both of their uniforms they sulked down to the great hall. As they entered Ivory said, " you go ahead, I'll come. Can you save 2 seats.". Lilith simply nodded with a smile and left.

Ivory walked over to Courtney.

"Hey!" She said.


"Get up, we're moving to the Slytherin table."

Courtney chocked on her orange juice.


"You heard me, now hurry up!"

"But I don't know anyone and none of them like me."

"A, you know me and B, you haven't even talked to them. I'm sure you'll get along with them."

"No, I have nothing in common with them." She whined.

"You're smart so you'll get along with Regulus. You believe blood and status doesn't matter so you'll get on with Lilith. You love food, so does Theodore. And lastly, I fucking love you so get your damn ass off that seat and come with me to the Slytherin table."

Courtney groaned and got up, following Ivory.

As Ivory reached the table she sat down and said, "hey guys, this is my really good friend Courtney." She gestured to each of them while saying, "this is Lilith Avery, Theodore Nott her boyfriend and Regulus Black." Lilith smiled while Theo waved and Regulus simply nodded.

They all said hi to her, and soon they were all conversing and laughing till Ivory let out a sharp yelp of pain.

They all stared at her.

She gave a little embarrassed laugh, "Sorry about that....... surprise period cramp.".

Theo and Regulus rolled their eyes.

"Excuse me, but would you mind explaining what you find so extra about this?" Ivory snapped at them.

"It's just, Lilith always acts so over dramatic when she's on her period and now you too. It's as if you're trying to say that periods hurt like hell while we're sure they definitely do not."Answered Regulus.

"And how would you know, it's not like you have to go through the pain every month like us!"

"You've got to be kidding me if you think we'll believe it's that painful."

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