7-Big Mistakes and Amortentia

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Ivory opened her eyes to piercing sunlight.

She looked around and saw herself leaning on Regulus with his arm wrapped around her. She didn't remember falling asleep like this.

Ivory panicked, and abruptly stood up causing Regulus to fall on the ground.

"What the fuck?" He shouted, confused as to what was happening.

"We fell asleep, omg, we need to get changed, we're gonna be late to class!"
She looked at him to see him still sitting on the floor. "REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK, GET YOUR DAMN ASS OF THE FLOOR, AND RUN!"

Ivory grabbed her shoes and ran with a now alert Regulus following.

They bolted into the common room and went to change, in 20 seconds flat they were bolting to potions, Regulus hopping on one foot trying to get his shoe on and Ivory tying up her hair.

They practically fell into the classroom, Ivory doing her tie and Regulus doing his last 3 buttons.

Everyone, simply stared at them, Ivory realised how wrong it looked, bolting in late, while trying to put their clothes on.


Finally professor Slughorn spoke, "Well now that you're here, we can begin, I have paired you both up and you will be sitting on that table with Mr Nott and Miss Avery. Now everyone gather around the front desk!" He said shunning people out of his way.

Ivory walked to the desk, she locked eyes with Charlotte who wiggled her eyebrows. Ivory scowled and looked away to hide the blush that was formed on her face.

She focused on the potion, it was covered, which was weird because they only did that if the potion was dangerous.

"This potion is called Amortentia, who can tell me what it is?" Slughorn questioned.

Lilith raised her hand, "Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them."

"Brilliant, miss Avery, ten points to Slytherin, now will someone come up here and tell us what they smell? How about you miss Morgan?" He beamed.

Ivory nodded, she walked to the front and sniffed the steam, "Well I smell salt water, dittany and.... limegrass ?"

Ivory was confused, the smell seemed familiar, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it, as if she had smelt it in a dream.

"Excellent, now how about you mr Black?" Slughorn cheered.

Regulus stepped forward, he took a sniff and stood with a look upon his face similar to Ivory's.

"I smell books, roses and I think blackberries?" He seemed confused and surprised.

"Excellent, so now go back to your pairs and attempt to replicate this potion, though I expect no one to be successful, because this is a very advanced potion it will be interesting to see what you brew in the end, the instructions are on the board, now shoo!" He said slamming the top back on the potion.

But Ivory stood still, a great plot brewing in her mind, it was risky but if the outcome was what she wanted, it would all be worth it.

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