9-Prefects and Duels

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Ivory went to sleep that night expecting to wake up happy and relieved, not wake up screaming as ice cold water was splashed on her by her best friend.

"You bitch!", Ivory shrieked, shuddering as she used her wand to dry herself, as Charlotte stared down at her.

Abruptly, Lilith bolted up.

"W..w..what happened?", questioned Lilith, is a sleep driven state.

They both turned towards her, her hair was a mess and there was a little bit of drool on her cheek.

"Oh, it's nothing, Ivory just peed in her bed!", Charlotte awnsered.

"Hey, no I didn't!"

"Oh...ok, I'm gonna go down to reckfast...no breakfast, yeah breakfast!"

They both watched as she hauled herself from her bed, and waddled towards the door hitting her head on the doorframe and stumbling out.

"Now, care to explain what that was for?"

Charlotte gave a sigh and sat on her bed directly across Ivory's.

"Bestie, you've been distant lately! So I've called a intervention to talk about you!" She beamed.

"Isn't an intervention supposed to have more than one pers-", But She was interrupted by Charlotte shrieking 'zip it'

Ivory lifted her hands in surrender.

"Since when have you fancied Black? How come you're dating him? ARE YOU EVEN STILL MUSLIM?"

"Ok, ok, calm the hell down!" Ivory replied. "I don't like Sirius, I was angry and he's gay anyway!-Charlotte opened her mouth-long story! Anyway, we broke up, technically I was dating him, but it meant nothing, it wasn't even real. Also, why are you questioning if I'm still Muslim or not?"

"Well, you had a boyfriend and I don't think that's allowed..."

"Well, I'm also not allowed to kiss anyone, but you weren't thinking about that, when you forced me to play 7-minutes in heaven!"

"Jesus, why are you holding a grudge?"

"I'M NOT! i-i'm not."


"I'M NOT!"

Charlotte walked towards the door.

"Keep lying, I don't know who you're  trying to convince, me or you?"

And with that she walked out.


Ivory was not doing this, when she stepped into the great hall, she immediately spotted Charlotte at the Gryffindor table, seated next to Victoria.

She didn't feel like tolerating Regulus's shit, so she walked over to the Ravenclaw table.

Promptly, she sat down in front of Courtney, ignoring the whispers from the other Ravenclaws, who was chowing down her food.

It wasn't news to Ivory that Courtney was a very messy eater.

"I swear Courtney, you eat like a pig!" Ivory stated as she sat down.

"Geez, well I'm sorry that I like food, so much!" She retorted.

"There's nothing wrong with that, but your plate doesn't always have to look like a damn massacre!"

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