11-Big Brothers and Big Fights

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Ivory struggled under his hold, she tugged at her arms but he had placed all his weight on them. He leaned forward with a vicious smile on his face, a little distance from her.

Strings of curses, swears, pleas and shouts came out her mouth but he would not budge.

He lunged forward but she moved her face just in time for him to miss, he attempted again only failing. Frustrated, he grabbed her jaw harshly and smirked slyly.

Ivory panicked and did the only thing that came into her mind, as he came closer. She spat on his face.

He lunged back in disgust, "YOU BITCH!", his grip on her arm subconsciously loosened.

She took the chance and broke her arm free, before he could even process what had happened Ivory pushed him onto the ground, she swung her leg hitting him in between the legs.

He grunted as he tried to get back up, his hand came forward and gripped her ankle. She felt around grabbing the  first thing she could feel and swung it at his head.

He let out a yelp of pain as he fell onto his back unconscious, Ivory looked down panting at the item she was holding, it was a silver candelabra with the faintest hint of blood.

"FUCK YOU!", She tossed the candelabra aside. She leaned against the wall panting, her back slid down as she sat on to the floor, bringing her legs in. The reality of what had just happened sunk in, brief tears left her eyes, she looked over to her culprits body. A little smirk fell on her face.

She put a hand up to her heart feeling the pace in silence. She felt a mix of relief and grief, her mind twisted replaying the moments causing a spiral of torture to go through her. Her heart was beating fast though it felt like the oxygen was too thick to swallow and to thin to breath in.

Her shouts, his laugh, the feeling of his foul breath on her face, the sense of his hands tracing her wrists. It all made her want to scrub her skin till it felt clean again.

She heard shouts and fast footsteps coming her way, she quickly got up and looked around. She couldn't see anyone, her breath hitched and she backed into the wall, hidden in plain sight.

She was the backs of two boys heads and a girl though she couldn't see her hair as she was standing on the darkness. She listened into their conversation, they seemed to be arguing but there was nothing in front of them but air.

"Well she has to be here!"

"How do you know?"

"The map says."

"Well what if it's defective!"

"The map never lies!"

"Can you shut up for one second!"

"We won't know till we try something."


The voices sounded familiar, she peeked her head out trembling, she let go of a breath she didn't realise she was holding.

There stood Remus, Lilith and Theo.

Lilith wacked Theo on the head, "what. Is wrong with you!".

Ivory gave a little chuckle as she stepped out of the shadows, they all snapped their necks around.

"Couldn't of taken any longer?" Ivory asked.

In a flash Regulus threw of the invisibility cloak, now showing James and Sirius huddled underneath it clutching the map.

Regulus ran up to her and looked like he was going to hug her but hesitated, he brought his hands up to her face but didn't touch her. He looked directly into her eyes, ocean blue looking into dark chocolate brown, though no words came out all he wanted to say was spoken, it felt like everything was okay.

Connecting the stars ↬ a Regulus Black storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin