5-Predjudice and Plans

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"You bi-!" Sirius began.

"Listen to your boyfriend before you say something you'll regret later, Black!" She nodded her head at Remus, and sent a hidden wink towards him.

Remus gave her a look that said now-is-not-the-time.

"What are you talking about?" Sirius said now confusion mixed with anger.

Ivory walked over to Remus, and placed her elbow on his shoulder, which was hard because he was much taller but she tried to make it look casual as possible.

Sirius looked as if his whole world was shook, his eyes traced from her to him and in a cycle with his wand following, finally he managed to muster out "you.....and......her....but......she......
Slytherin !" He said the last word with as much disgust as he could.

"Yes Ivory is a Slytherin, but she's also my friend, she has been since 2nd year, and yes I didn't tell you but it was because you and James are stuck on your views of all slytherins being evil, bad and horrible but that's not true, Ivory made me realise that! She is one of my best friends and she has always been there for me, unconditionally!" He said all that in one breath keeping his gaze away from Sirius's face.

"Oh please Remus, you can't possibly believe that! She'll probably abandon you the second she finds out about your furry little problem!" Sirius argued.

"First of all, I already know about his furry little problem! And two, I totally accept him!" She explained, walking closer to Sirius, hands crossed on her chest.

"You wouldn't do that, you're a Slytherin!" He retorted

"Oh please, Black, we all know you hate your parents because of their prejudiced views towards muggleborns and other things, how is your prejudice towards Slytherins any different!" Ivory knew Sirius hated being compared to his parents from Remus, so she wasn't surprised when her words cut deep into him.

He looked shaken, as if he had just realised something. Ivory took advantage of the silence.

"Isn't your brother in Slytherin, Black? Is he evil too?" She began, "Tell me Black, how are you any different from your family if you have the same habits as them, you're also biased, rude, prejudiced and a cheat!" She was now an inch away from him, she could see his grey eyes becoming stormy.

She drew closer, and said "I'm happy for you to correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not am I!" It was barely a whisper.

"IVORY!" Ivory turned around to see Remus furious. "THAT IS ENOUGH!"

Ivory snapped back to reality, she couldn't believe the venomous words that left her mouth.

"You're my friend but so is he, apologise, I know you hate it when people judge Slytherins and you go into one of your states where you don't think straight and have low to non conscience!"

She knew he was right, and shame flooded her for the actions she had done mere seconds ago.

She took a breath to calm herself and looked at Sirius "Black, it's no news your family is terrible! But they don't define you, you're a good person! Don't let them rub off on you! How are you any different from them If you go around preaching all Slytherin's are terrible, how do you think that makes me feel, branded for crimes I didn't commit!" She spoke in a calm tone. "I've done nothing to be branded as evil, when you are told what to be constantly eventually you'll become it and for a eleven year old to be so excited to come to hogwarts thinking of their house as a second family, and then being put in slytherin and suddenly they're the bad guy everyone hates them, bully's them and makes them feel horrible and rejected, that's enough to turn anyone Evil!" She could see the regret in his eyes.

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