Chapter 1 Confronting Bella

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"Wake up cunt," Bella yells at me. "You have 5 minutes to get ready or I will leave you behind. And don't even THINK about trying to sneak breakfast like you did yesterday bitch."

I'm not allowed to eat unless Charlie or Dad as I call him is home or I'm at school. I get out of bed and feel my stomach churn. I just knew I was going to be sick. No way can I get ready in 5 minutes so I pull out my phone and text Alice Cullen.

"Hey Bella's done it again and it's one of those mornings. Can you give me a ride to school please?"

"Sure Rosalie and I will be right there hun."

"Thanks Alice"

I quickly get ready and go to my secret stash of food and grab a couple of banna nut muffins. You see everyone at school knows how Bella treats me but they won't say anything because they are scared of her. But everyday they sneak me non perishable food items that I can hide away for mornings like this. I tried telling Dad what Bella does but he accused me of lying and told me not to bring it up again.

Who am I? My name is Rebecca Anne Swan (I prefer Becca) and I am Bella's twin sister. Bella hates me because and I quote "I have it all. The looks, the brains and the guys."  I look nothing like Bella. I have light blond hair, ice blue eyes and am very tan. I am also well coordinated although no one knows it due to Bella explaining all my bruises with stories of me falling down. 

Bella and I have been in Forks, Washington for about 2 weeks now. Since that time Alice Cullen and Rosalie Hale have become my 2 best friends. I had also become very close to Jacob Black even developing feelings for him. I thought he had feelings for me too but lately he has been completely ignoring me and flirting with Bella.

Every time I think of Jacob my chest starts to hurt. There's a pull there drawing me towards him and it physically hurts that he seems to have completely forgotten about me for my sister. Even his father Billy Black doesn't understand what has gotten into Jacob. I suspect Bella had something to do with it but I don't yet know what she did. I come out of my thoughts hearing a knock on the front door. Alice and Rosalie must be here.

I run down the stairs, grab my book bag and open the door.

"Hi Alice, Rosalie!" I say to the girls as I practically run out the door.

"Good morning Becca," they reply.

"Let's do this" I sigh dramatically. The girls chuckle at my drama.

We get to school and I see Bella hanging all over Edward. Alice and Rosalie glare in their direction making me giggle.

"I see you made it you stupid fucking whore," Bella says to me as I pass her and Edward.

"Yeah no thanks to you bitch. Alice and Rosalie gave me a ride."

"You better watch what you call me cunt. Remember I can make your life a living hell. And Alice and Rosalie don't really like you and they aren't really your friends. They just feel sorry for you. You are a pathetic piece of shit that everyone feels sorry for. Why don't you do us all a favor and just die already! Nobody wants you here!"  By now Bella was screaming and Alice and Rosalie were standing beside me.

"Bella shut up. Rosalie and I both adore Becca and are happy to call her our friend. It's you we can't stand. You and the way you treat Becca. She's your sister Bella." Alice says.

"She wasn't even supposed to be born! I tried to kill her in our mothers womb but some stupid doctor had to go and play hero and save her. Yes I fucking hate her. Stupid whore even has more of our fathers love and affection than I ever will."

Rebecca Anne Swan (Bella's Twin Sister)-A Jacob Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now