Chapter 8- Baseball Game Part 1

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Becca's P.O.V.

It's been a few weeks since everything went down with Bella and she reversed the spells she did. Jacob and I are getting along great and spend every free moment we have with each other- either at my house doing homework together or down at the Rez goofing off with Embry and Quill. I convinced Dad to unground Bella since she did reverse the spells and went through with the bonfire. Dad took the spell book back and got her money back putting it back in her account for her college fund. And, as he said he would, he fixed the account so that Bella can't touch it until she graduates. Dad also told Mom and I seriously thought a nuclear explosion was going to happen! Mom wanted to come get Bella and move her down to Florida but Dad convinced her not to. Thanks to Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie's help I got caught up on all my makeup work and passed everything with flying colors!  Today Bella and I are going to hang out with the Cullens while they play baseball. Edward is picking both of us up- albeit a bit reluctantly with me but Bella convinced him somehow. Jacob doesn't really like me hanging out with the Cullens or "blood suckers" as he calls them, but he understands that I am friends with the majority of them and that they will keep me safe. So he tolerates it for my sake. He's so sweet! And extremely overprotective! It kinda gets annoying at times.

"Becca are you almost ready?" Bella yells at me.

"Just putting my shoes on now! Then I'll be ready!" I yell back.

"Ok! Edward just texted and said he'll be here in 5 minutes which for him means more like 2 tops!"

"I know! He drives so fast! He's lucky Dad hasn't caught him! He'd never let Edward take you anywhere again!" By this time Bella is standing in my doorway.

"I know right? I keep telling him to slow down but he's so damn stubborn!"

"Well no wonder you two get along so well! You're extremely stubborn yourself Sis!" I say sticking my tongue out at her.

"Real mature Becca! And I'm not the only stubborn one in this family! You're stubborn too!"

"Never said I wasn't! But neither one of us can compare to how stubborn Dad is!"

"Oh that's so true! He is definitely the king of stubbornness! I think he even beats Edward!"

I laugh at that as we head downstairs and not a moment too soon. As soon as we get to the living room there's a knock on the door. Bella opens it to reveal Edward standing there.

"Hi Bella. Becca. You guys ready?"

"Yep just need to grab our jackets."

"Ok. We are in Emmett's Jeap today. Becca you will have to sit in the back."

"I figured that Edward." I say nodding my head while slipping on my jacket.

We go out to the jeep and I get in the back. Edward gets in after Bella and backs out of the driveway heading to the field where the baseball game is to be played. When we get there I see that the rest of the Cullens are already there. I make my way over to Alice, Rosalie and Esme greeting them. Esme smiles at Bella as she walks up with Edward.

"Thank God you're here Bella. We need an IMPARTIAL referee and Becca is to close to my family to be impartial!" Esme tells her.

"She thinks we cheat!" Emmett says.

"I know you cheat!" Esme responds back. "Just call them as you see them Bella."

Bella nods looking nervous. I give her an encouraging smile and walk over to her.

"Don't worry Bella. They have promised me that they will play nice with you."

Bella smiles at me and sighs in relief.

"It's time!" Alice says from the pitcher mound.

First up to bat is Rosalie. She hits it pretty hard and I can't help but giggle at Bella's reaction.

"Ok now I see why you need the thunder! That's got to be a homerun right?" Bella asks Esme.

"Mm. Edward's very fast."

Sure enough Edward throws the ball to home plate and Esme catches it just as Rosalie is sliding into home. They both look at Bella.

"Out." Bella says quietly.

"Woohoo out!" Emmett taunts Rosalie.

Rosalie gets up and walks by Bella bumping her in the process.

"Come on babe. It's just a game!" Emmett says.

"Nice kitty." Carlisle says as Rosalie goes to stand by him.

(A/N I am going to skip a lot of the game as I can't exactly recall the order they bat in or all the lines that are said. If anyone knows please message me and I will put it in.)

As Rosalie bats again Alice freezes then yells "Stop!" Everyone rushes to Bella and me.

"They were leaving but then they heard us." Alice says.

"Let's go." Edward says to Bella and me.

"It's too late." Carlisle says.

"Put your hair down," Edward says to us.

"Like that will help," Rosalie says. "I could smell them all the way across the field."

We watch the tree line as 3 vampires come into view. All of them have red eyes and I instantly know that they drink from humans. One is black with dreadlocks and appears to be in charge. The other 2 are white- 1 male with blonde hair in a ponytail and a female with vibrant red hair.

The black male holds up the baseball. "I believe this is yours," he says as he throws the ball to Carlisle. Carlisle catches it and says "Yes thank you."

"I am Laurent and this is James and Victoria," the black male says.

"I am Carlisle and this is my family. You're hunting activities have caused a bit of a problem for us."

"My apologies. We didn't realize this area had been claimed." Laurent says

"Yes well we maintain a permanent residence nearby." Carlisle replies.

"Really?" Laurent says looking shocked. "We were just passing through."

"The humans were chasing us but we led them east. You should be safe." Victoria says.

"Could you use two more players?" Laurent asks Carlisle. Carlisle hesitates. "Oh come on. It's just one game." Laurent adds.

"Ok. A few of us were just leaving. You can take their place." Carlisle says throwing the ball to Laurent.

Victoria catches it and says "I'm the one with the wicked curveball!"

"Oh I think we can handle that!" Jasper says.

"We shall see," Victoria says.

"Ooohhh." Laurent taunts.

They turn to walk off but James continues to stare at Bella and Edward. Suddenly the wind shifts blowing Bella's hair away from her neck. I have a scarf on my neck that Alice gave me at the last minute.

"You brought a snack!" James says crouching down in front of Edward and Bella growling.



I'm going to stop right there and continue in a second part. I just really want to get this chapter up for all my readers! The next chapter may be shorter than usual, it just depends on what comes in my head!

Rebecca Anne Swan (Bella's Twin Sister)-A Jacob Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now