100 FACTS ABOUT ME- Your Author!!

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Ok guys I thought you might like to get to know your author a little bit better so here are some facts about me!

1) I am 36 years old and will be 37 in July!

2) I have 3 kids- a son (14) and 2 daughters (12 and 7)

3) I am married and my 12th anniversary is today!

4) I have been reading since I was 3!

5) I placed 2nd in a beauty pageant when I was 3

6) I went to a very small high school and was 27th out of a class of 42

7) My favorite colors are pink and purple

8) I am a girly girl preferring dresses and skirts over pants any day.

9) I am self conscious having extreme body image issues

10) While I love the Twilight, Harry Potter and Hunger Games series my Top 2 favorite books are Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell and Scarlett (the sequel to Gone With the Wind) by Alexandra Ripley

11) I have a very short fuse and when I get mad everyone knows it

12) I have always wanted to be a doctor but have yet to achieve that dream

13) I have 9 brothers both older and younger but I am the only girl

14) I was adopted along with my oldest brother when I was 3

15) I have 10 cats but am trying to get rid of all but 2

16) I am a very sensitive person

17) I have been diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder Type 1 with Major Anxiety and Depression. I know this is kind of a taboo subject but I really don't know why. I am not ashamed of it. As a matter of fact it makes me proud knowing what I have accomplished despite the struggles I go through on a daily basis. Believe me there are days I don't want to get out of bed but I force myself to do so anyway.

18) I suck at simple math but can do college level math with ease

19) I didn't learn to swim until I was 15 to afraid of drowning

20) It is my dream to travel and swim with the dolphins before my time is up

21) I write as a way of coping with my Bi-Polar

22) I have major trust issues and don't make new friends easily

23) I would be lost without my phone

24) I live out in the country on a ranch

25) I used to be in the Army

26) I am a domestic violence survivor

27) All of my kids were born by C-section

28) I had 3 miscarriages before having my son

29) Due to scoliosis I was supposed to be paralyzed by 23

30) I have only ever gotten a speeding ticket back when I was 18!

31) I love to cook and vacuum and I don't mind washing and drying clothes BUT I HATE washing dishes and actually folding and putting away the clean clothes

32) I think I am a fairly good cook

33) I am brutally honest- I say what I mean no matter who I hurt in the process

34) I can be sweet as a kitten until you f××× me over then I'm a mama lion on the hunt!

35) I am very loyal to those I care about!

Rebecca Anne Swan (Bella's Twin Sister)-A Jacob Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now