Chapter 7 Part 1: Secrets Revealed

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Becca's POV

After school I went home to catch up on what homework I could do by myself. I am pretty good at English, Math and Spanish. I'm not that great in Geography, Science and History. Jasper will be helping me with History, Emmett and Rosalie with Geography and Alice as well as Carlisle with Science. I decide that first I want to get my outfit ready for school tomorrow. I find my pants easily enough but I can't find my shirt that I want to wear. Knowing Bella likes to "borrow" my clothes and never return them I decide to check in her room. While searching for my shirt I discover a trunk hidden underneath a pile of clothes in the back of her closet. Curious as to why she would have this hidden I drag it out and open it. My mouth hangs open in complete and utter shock at what I have discovered! Inside the trunk Bella has black candles as well as numerous other types of candles, bags with all sorts of weird stuff in them, all types of crystals, and an actual spell book! I take out the spell book and put the trunk back making sure to cover it back up with the clothes. I find my shirt quickly after that and rush back to my room shutting and locking my door. I can't believe Bella would have this stuff. Mom and Dad are not the religious type but one thing that they drilled in our heads since we were little girls was that witchcraft was evil and we better not ever even think about doing it. Dad is going to be extremely PISSED when I tell him. And yes I have every intention of telling him. It's obvious to me now that Bella needs help. Despite everything she has done to me, she is still my sister and I love her.

I open up the spell book and start thumbing through it. There are some pretty weird spells in here including one that helps you retain information you need (like for a test) for 24 hours. I'm sure Bella has used that one. I stop on one I see that immediately catches my eye and piques my interest. It's a spell to break Mate Bonds. I decide to read further.

To break a mate bond you will need a picture of both parties involved. You will also need a black rose and the blood of the MALE party. Place the pictures in a metal bowl. Next crush the black rose into a fine powder and sprinkle over the pictures. Set on fire. While burning SLOWLY pour the blood over the entire thing while repeating these words:

What is seen let it be unseen. What is felt let it be unfelt. What is strong let it be weak. Take this bond and break it. Let it be no more!

Repeat these words 3 times over the burning mixture.

I can't believe what I am reading! I have a very strong feeling that Bella did this spell on me and Jacob and that's why he suddenly seemed to lose interest in me! "That bitch!" I think to myself. "Just wait until she gets home with Dad. Shits going to hit the fan for sure then!"

I decide to look in the book a little more and turn the page stopping immediately again as I notice what the next spell is! It's a spell to create a fake Mate Bond! I read further.

To create a fake Mate Bond you will need a picture and personal item of the MALE party, a red rose, 3 lavender sprigs, and YOUR blood. Place the picture and personal item in a metal bowl. Crush the red rose into a powder and sprinkle over the picture and personal item. Gently crush the lavender sprigs and sprinkle over the mixture. Light on fire. While burning SLOWLY pour the blood into the bowl while saying these words:

Take what is not felt and let it be felt. Take what is weak and let it be strong. Take what is unknown and let it be known. Create this bond out of nothing. Let it be the real thing and let it be unbreakable.

Repeat these words 5 times.

I put the book down and sit back in complete shock. Now I know the whole story. After Bella does the spell to break the Mate Bond between me and Jacob, she then did the spell to form a Fake Mate Bond between her and Jacob! I can't believe the lengths that bitch will go to just so that she can destroy my happiness! But this time she also destroyed Jacob's happiness and that's not ok with me. I call Dad up and tell him that I need to talk to him as soon as he gets home. I also let him know that Bella needs to be there and he CAN NOT let her talk, lie or trick her way out of this one. He agrees and informs me that they will be home in an hour. We hang up and I start on my homework while waiting. After awhile I hear my phone go off indicating I have a text message. I look and see it's from Jacob and I open it up to read what he sent.

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