Chapter 4- Jacob confronts Bella

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Becca's P.O.V.

I have finally woken up after passing out and find myself in Carlisle's home office. No one is around and I can only assume that they are at school, work, or hunting. I can tell I was very badly hurt since my stomach hurts, my left leg is in a cast, and it hurts to breathe which is probably why I can tell my ribs have been taped up. I wonder how long I have been out.

I slowly and carefully get off the makeshift hospital bed, grab the crutches that are next to me and head to the hallway to find a bathroom. After searching for what seems like a really long time but probably wasn't all that long, I finally find a bathroom on the second floor. I quickly do my business and wash my hands. I look up into the mirror and gasp in shock. I look terrible! I have bruises all over my face including 2 black eyes plus I have bruises on my throat in the shape of handprints. Bella really did a number on me. I hear the front door open and as quickly as I can on crutches rush down to the first floor and the corridor. But as reality creeps up on me I slow down. What if it's Edward or worse Bella who has come here? I obviously can't protect myself against Bella and definitely can't defend myself against a vampire. I realize that I am truly all alone with no one here to protect me. I could be in serious danger here.

As I am mentally debating whether or not to continue to the corridor or as quickly as possible rush back to Carlisle's office I hear a familiar and very welcome voice.

"Yay! You're finally awake! We were all so worried about you! Well all of us except Edward of course but I'm sure that's no surprise." Alice exclaims.

"Alice! I'm so glad to see you! How long have I been out for?"

"You've been in a coma for almost 2 weeks now Becca. So much has happened. Bella is seriously grounded and your Dad is absolutely livid with her."

"How did he find out what happened?"

"Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Esme and I followed Bella and Edward home that day. Neither of them noticed us. Carlisle had already called Charlie to get permission to do surgery on you because of the internal bleeding. Charlie was waiting on the front porch and Edward dropped Bella off and took off in a hurry. He never noticed us. Bella was lying to your Dad saying that you attacked her for no reason when she hung up with him. I spoke up and told him that was a lie. Rosalie and I proceeded to tell him the truth. We told him EVERYTHING that Bella has done to you. By the time we were done Charlie looked ready to kill Bella. Needless to say Bella is on a very short leash. Charlie has reinstated your account at the school and set it up so that only you and he can take money off of it and deactivate it. Bella can no longer touch it. He also told her if her behavior continues he will send her to Florida or military school."

"Wow! So Dad now knows I was telling the truth all along?"

"Yes he does. Would you like to call him?"

"Maybe in a little bit. Right now I really want a shower and clean clothes please!"

"Definitely! You know were the bathroom is. Feel free to use anything in there you like!I'll find you some clothes!" Alice says excitedly and rushes to her room.

The warm shower feels great and when I get out I see that Alice has left me with some nice underwear, shorts and a pink T-shirt. I quickly get dressed and go downstairs to see the rest of the Cullens (minus Edward) there to greet me. I am excited to see them all standing there with smiles on their faces! I just wonder what Dad's going to say and do when he finds out I'm awake finally. I hope Bella is in real deep shit with him for everything she has done to me.

Bella's P.O.V.

Ever since that little bitch went into a coma I have been in trouble with Dad. I'm grounded indefinitely and I can't do anything or go anywhere except school, the station and home. I'm not even allowed to see Edward anymore except at school which really sucks. I hear someone knocking on the door and go to answer it.

"I'll get it!" I yell at Dad.

"Ok. If it's Edward tell him you are still grounded and not to expect that to change anytime soon." Dad replies.

I just roll my eyes and answer the door praying it will be Edward coming to break me out of this hellhole that is my prison and life. Instead of Edward I see Jacob on the other side and he looks PISSED.

"Jacob?!? What are you doing here?"

"Don't act like you don't already know Bella! What you did to Becca is inexcusable and going way to far! For once I am glad Charlie put his foot down and grounded you! I also know you did something to make my feelings change towards Becca. I don't know what yet but I will find out and reverse it. You can count on that!"

"I don't know what you're talking about Jacob. I haven't done anything to change your feelings towards Becca." I lie.

"Whatever Bella. I don't believe you anymore. Just stay away from me, Becca and the whole tribe. We want nothing to do with you anymore. You are permanently banned from Quillette lands. If you come on them you will be prosecuted for criminal trespassing."

I just stare at Jacob dumbfounded. I can't believe he's doing this. That fucking bitch must have woken up and got to him. I wish I would have killed her when I had the chance. Who knows when or if I will get another one.

Well here it is guys! Finally another chapter! Sorry it took so long! Hope you enjoy it!

Rebecca Anne Swan (Bella's Twin Sister)-A Jacob Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now