Chapter 7 Part 2- Secrets Revealed

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Becca's P.O.V.

Bella looked at Dad as he said that and I could see the gears working in her brain trying to come up with a good and believable lie.

"But Dad I have told you the truth! Why won't you believe me when I am telling you that your precious Becca is setting me up?"

"Well let's see Bella. One- why would Becca set you up with something like this? Two- your track record when it comes to Becca speaks for itself. So pardon me if I don't believe you! NOW QUIT LYING RIGHT NOW ISABELLA MARIE SWAN AND TELL ME THE TRUTH!" Dad finished yelling the last part. Bella gulped knowing she was caught since Dad used her full name.

"Fine. It is my stuff. And you want to know why I did it? Because I hate the bitch! I wish she had never been born! So yeah I did both the spell to break a Mate Bond as well as the one to create a fake Mate Bond! She gets everything- the looks, the friends, the brains, the guys and even your love! What do I get? Nothing!"

I interrupted Bella right there. "You get nothing Bella? You have Edward- the hottest guy in school! Plus you are so much more talented in Art than I am and we all know I can't cook to save my soul! Hell the last time I tried I damn near burned the house down!"

Bella giggled at that memory. "That is true. But I still hate that you have Dad's love and I don't."

"Hold up right there Bella. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I don't love you! Bella you are my daughter too and I will always love you no matter what!" Dad tells her.

I look at Bella to see that she has tears in her eyes now. I can also tell that she is processing what has been said by the thoughtful look on her face. Finally she sighs and looks at me.

"Becca I know now I fucked up. I'm so very sorry. I understand if you don't want to forgive me but I promise to change and treat you better! Starting with reversing the spells I did and then destroying all this stuff! Can you have Jacob and Billy come over?"

"Of course I can Bella. And you are my sister- my twin and always will be! Bella I will always forgive you and love you!"

Bella and I walk towards each other with tears in our eyes and hug for the first time in years! To be honest, while it felt great and everything Bella said sounded nice, I was still sceptical and definitely wouldn't be letting my guard down anytime soon! Bella will have to work extra hard to gain my trust again and even then I don't know if she could ever completely gain my trust. There's just to much pain, hurt and history there.

I grab my phone and text Jacob.

Hey Jacob it's Becca. Can you and Billy go ahead and come on over? Oh and Bella says to bring 2 pictures of you as well as a personal item of yours. You'll see why when you guys get here.

Ok Becca. I'll get the pictures and I'll bring an old shirt of mine that doesn't fit anymore. C u n 20!

Ok Jacob that should work! C u then!

I look up at Bella and Dad. "Jacob and Billy should be here in about 20 minutes. Jacob's bringing the pictures and an old shirt of his that doesn't fit anymore."

"Yeah that should work. While I get everything else ready that I'll need I need you to get a picture of me Becca and I'm also going to need a small vial of your blood."

"Ok Bella."

I run upstairs to Bella's room and after some searching manage to find a picture of her by herself. When I get back downstairs I see that everything has been moved to the living room and Bella has the stuff out to get the vial of my blood. Bella has Dad do it and he carefully puts the needle in after finding a good vein. Once the vial is full Dad pulls out the needle and puts some gauze and tape on the area.

Rebecca Anne Swan (Bella's Twin Sister)-A Jacob Black StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora