Authors Note #8

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Ok guys I have received a comment that some part of this story was offensive. To the person that commented this can you please be more specific which part was offensive and I will try to fix it so it isn't offensive? I am most definitely not trying to offend anyone and I apologize for doing so! And please let me know if at any time in the future I offend anyone! Also I feel that you should know that I know absolutely nothing about witchcraft other than what I have seen on T.V. shows such as the original Charmed. Therefore if I get anything wrong please let me know!

Another thing. I recently dropped my phone and in the process I managed to crack my screen in 2 places and completely shatter the whole bottom part of my phone where the charger plugs in. Because of this I have been having some technical difficulties with my phone. My husband is going to try to get me a new one and hopefully one where I will constantly have a signal and be able to update regularly. Until then just bear with me guys! I want to get the update done and up just as much as you guys want me to update! Together we will battle through!

Much love,

Rebecca Anne Swan (Bella's Twin Sister)-A Jacob Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now