Chapter 5- The Battle Lines Are Drawn

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Becca's P.O.V.

Today is the day I finally go back home. It has been 3 weeks since I have woken up and while I still have some recovering to do I am doing much better than I was. My ribs are still really sore so Carlisle is sending me home with a prescription for some high powered pain meds. While I am looking forward to seeing Dad again I am dreading seeing Bella. I just know it's going to be bad and there will be drama on her part. I know that she is still grounded and forbidden to see Edward except at school. Since today is Friday I won't go back to school until Monday for the first time since the incident. I'm a little nervous but I know that Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper will be right there beside me.

"Becca your Dad's here! Are you ready to go back home?" Alice calls to me.

"Be right down Alice and Dad!" I answer. I take one last look around the room I had been staying in making sure I got everything and walk downstairs.

"Hi Dad," I greet my father.

"Hi Becca. How are you feeling?" Dad asks.

"My ribs are still sore but Carlisle has given me a prescription for some high powered pain meds. Other than that I'm okay I guess. Extremely nervous about seeing Bella again though."

"Well don't you worry about Bella. She's already on a very tight leash with me. If she gets out of line she knows the consequences. But don't worry. I won't be leaving you two alone together anytime soon. If I am working you can either come here, go to the rez or I can have Billy and Jacob come to the house. And Becca I am truly sorry for not listening to you and for not believing you before. Can you forgive me?"

"Dad there's nothing to forgive. Bella was very good at covering her tracks. She had a lot of people fooled. I'm just glad you know the truth now."

"Damn right I do. And I was quite appalled at the things Bella was doing to you. Not letting you eat unless I was home? No wonder you were so skinny all the time! I'm glad to see you've put on some weight."

"Yes that's another thing. Carlisle has put me on a strict food diet to help me put on some healthy weight. I have the list here."

"Good. We will go grocery shopping before heading home. Go ahead and say your goodbyes and let's get going."

"Ok Dad. It may be a few minutes. Carlisle wants to do one last checkup before I leave."

"Ok. I kinda figured he would. I'll go ahead and take your bags to the car and meet you out there Ok?"

"Ok Dad. See you in a few."

Dad grabs my bags and walks out to the car. I head to Carlisle's office and knock politely.

"Come in!" Carlisle says. I open the door and walk in shutting and locking the door behind me.

"Hi Carlisle. I'm about to leave and was coming for the checkup you wanted to do and to say goodbye and thanks for everything."

"Oh it was no problem Becca. We enjoyed having you around. Remember you are welcome anytime. No let's get this checkup over with so you can finally go home."

I nod my head in agreement and Carlisle proceeds to run the checkup.

"Well obviously your ribs are going to remain sore for quite a while yet. Be careful going up and down the stairs with your leg. The cast should be able to come off in 4-6 weeks. Come see me for another checkup in 2 weeks and stay on the diet I gave you."

Rebecca Anne Swan (Bella's Twin Sister)-A Jacob Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now