Chapter 9- Baseball Game Part 2

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Becca's P.O.V.

"A human?" Laurent asks.

"The girl is with us." Carlisle says.

"I can see the game is over," Laurent says. "We shall leave now." Laurent turns to leave but James stays continuing to crouch and snarl at Edward, Jasper and Emmett who had by now gotten in front of Bella to protect her. "James let's go." Laurent says. James finally turns to leave wrapping his arm around Victoria.

"Get Bella out of here Edward." Carlisle says. "James didn't catch Becca's scent so we will take care of her."

I turn to Bella worried. "Bella please be careful ok? Despite everything in the past you are still my sister and I love you. I don't want anything to happen to you ok?"

"I'll be careful Becca. I promise. And I love you too. You be careful to."

Bella and I hug each other goodbye and smile before Edward whisks her away. 

I turn to Carlisle worried for my sister. "What's going to happen now Carlisle?" I ask.

"Well we will have to lead the tracker away from here and your sister somehow. Edward will want to take Bella away but that won't be a good idea. James knows Edward won't leave Bella so most likely Alice and Jasper will take her south." Carlisle says.

"Ok but don't let them take her to Phoenix. That's where Mom's home is and we used to go to a ballet studio there as well. They need to go somewhere she has no ties to."

"Ok we will tell them. In the meantime you will be safe at the reservation with Jacob and his Dad. Convince Charlie to go with you somehow."

"Can do. He loves visiting Billy."

I'm still worried but Carlisle's words did make me feel a little bit better.  I can't help but wonder how Bella plans on getting Dad to let her leave. I quickly text Bella to warn her about some things I'm feeling.

(A/N Becca- plain. Bella- italics)

[Bella don't be to harsh on Dad and whatever you do DO NOT tell him where you are going. Also DO NOT go to Phoenix- I know that James will look for you there since you have ties to it!] I quickly send the message. It doesn't take long for Bella to respond.

[Ok Becca. Where should I have Edward take me then? And where will you be?]

[Edward WILL NOT be taking you anywhere! James knows Edward would never leave your side. Alice and Jasper will be taking you. Let them decide where. I will be at the reservation with Dad, Jacob and Billy. We will be safe there.] I respond quickly.

[Ok but Edward will probably put up a fight about not taking me himself.]

[Carlisle will convince him Bella. Another thing. If somehow James contacts you, DO NOT fall for it! You MUST tell Alice and Jasper RIGHT AWAY! Do you understand?]

[I understand but what if he has Mom or you?]

[First of all he won't be able to get to me. Secondly Mom is in Florida. But if he does claim to have Mom, CALL HER!]



We end the conversation there. By this time I'm back at the Cullens and Carlisle is making a phone call to Billy about what is going on and to meet us at the treaty line.

(A/N OK real quick to clear up any confusion. I know I haven't mentioned it before but much like Bella's shield works while she's still human Becca's power also works. Becca's power is similar to Alice's but not quite the same with the fact that she doesn't actually SEE what is going to happen she just gets VERY STRONG FEELINGS. Her family has learned to trust her instincts (except for Bella of course!) as she HAS NEVER been wrong! Here's a brain teaser for you: is Becca going to remain human or will something happen that makes her have to be turned? I of course already know! Hehe!)

I continue to worry about Bella hoping she will listen to me for a change! I have NEVER been wrong before with my instincts. I don't know where they come from but they have saved me and my family as well as numerous friends in Phoenix on many occasions!

"Alice, Jasper you two will be the ones driving Bella South. James will expect Edward to do it given how protective he was of her at the field. Whatever you do, no matter what, no matter how much she begs DO NOT take Bella to Phoenix! She has ties there and James will expect her to go there." Carlisle tells Alice.

"Ok Carlisle. Jasper and I can take her to Texas. Jasper knows some nomads there that can help us." Alice replies.

"Good. Good. That's a good plan." Carlisle says.

Alice leaves to follow Edward and Bella back here.


I'm ending the chapter right here. The next chapter will be really short because it will be in Bella's P.O.V. picking up from where Edward starts driving away from the baseball field.

Rebecca Anne Swan (Bella's Twin Sister)-A Jacob Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now