Chapter 6- Becca confronts Edward

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Becca's POV

Monday has finally arrived after a long weekend of listening to Bella moan to Dad about not being able to go anywhere and not being able to see Edward. Of course Dad didn't let it get to him and told her that if she did the crime she had to do the time. Bella was pissed about that.

Anyway I am on my way to school and I am quite a bit nervous. Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett all picked me up today and have informed me that they have had their schedules changed and at least one of them will be with me at all times. I was surprised but very happy to hear that.

As we pull into the parking lot I see a bunch of my fellow classmates staring at us and whispering to each other. Alice and Rosalie tell me to just ignore them and not let it get to me.

"Just so you know Bella started some rumours while you were gone that you went off the deep end and attacked her leaving your Dad no choice but to commit you into an insane asylum. That's why they're all staring at you." Alice tells me.

I just nod my head as I look around the parking lot. I notice that Edward is glaring at me in the coldest manner possible.

"Alice why is Edward giving me a death glare?"

"Because Edward blames you for Bella being grounded and not being able to see her outside of school."

"But that's ridiculous! It's not my fault Bella attacked me!"

"Edward believes that you provoked Bella somehow. He feels like if you hadn't been there at the house that day and hadn't already made her mad she would have never attacked you to begin with. We tried telling him he was wrong but he just wouldn't listen."

"Edward is insane! He could have tried harder to stop her and none of this would have happened! I'm going to go talk to him."

With that said I march over to where Edward is standing waiting for Dad to drop Bella off.

"What the fuck is your problem Edward? Blaming me for what happened and Bella getting in trouble and grounded? If you had just tried harder to stop her none of this would have happened! It sure as hell isn't my damn fault!" I was furious by this time and breathing heavily while glaring at Edward.

"If you had just stayed away none of this would have happened because you wouldn't have been there in the first damn place! Better yet, you should have stayed in Phoenix or better still not even been born!" Edward replies obviously frustrated. I am completely gobsmacked at what he has just said and I hear gasps all around me indicating that Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper followed me and heard every word that Edward said.

I don't say a word back and instead turn around and walk into the school building going to my first class. The rest of the day went by uneventfully and I ended up with a lot of makeup work to do. All the teachers gave me 2 weeks to get it done and I had the promises of Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie to help me.



Sorry it's so short guys. I just really wanted to get another chapter out for you since its been a while since I last updated! I am already working on the next chapter and I promise it will be longer and definitely drama filled! So be watching for that! Until next time remember to vote, comment and share!

Rebecca Anne Swan (Bella's Twin Sister)-A Jacob Black StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum