Khonsu's Light

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Nathan shoves open the door, a searing pain coursing through his still dislocated shoulder and his eyes widened at the horrid sight he sees. Sacagawea was leaning over a still Teddy, Larry over a fallen Dexter, Nicky checking on Attila, Jedediah and Octavius laying motionless on the ground holding hands and Ahkmenrah holding onto the railing...looking horribly decayed.

The minute the two locked eyes, Nathan could feel his temper burning the second he looks over at the fool Lancelot as he gripped onto Ahkmenrah's unnatural cold hand.

His friends. No...his family.

If there's one thing Nathan's mother and father had drilled into his head the most of, it was this.

No one. Messes. With family.

Lancelot's selfish blue eyes looked over at Larry holding onto poor Dexter, but, the minute he and Nathan shared a look...absolute fear and dread strung around his insides.

Nathan's eyes darkened, turned to slits as he clenched and un clenched his fists. "You...are....DEAD!" He roared, jumping away from Ahkmenrah only to punch the knight's lights out only to be held back by Larry.

"Nathan! Nathan calm down. Calm down please! You aren't helping the situation!" Larry tried to console the struggling younger male. Eventually, Nathan does cease his struggling when Larry uses his full name instead of calling him 'Nate' like he typically did.

Angry hot tears pool in the back of his eyes, rolling down Nathan's face as he looks around at the state of his friends. Nicky places a hand of comfort on Nathan's shoulder, also holding onto him as he breaks down burying his face against Larry's chest not baring to look at the sight of Ahkmenrah and the others any longer.

"I see now..." Lancelot begins, holding out the tablet to them. "How you care for your friends. ...I was the fool all along."

Larry quickly takes the tablet in his hands but when he turns the tiles nothing happens.

"No, no, no, no!"

Nathan lifts his gaze to the sky and notices the dark clouds blocking the moon's light. He purses his lips in a thin line, squeezing his eyes shut. Please...Please work...Save them...Save our family. Please...

"Nate...Nate open your eyes!" Nicky suddenly shouts with excitement.

Just like that, the tablet glows it's beautiful magical glow and all of their friends are returned to their usual state. "Yes! Yes!" The young man cheers, pumping his fist high in the air laughing as Dexter jumps into Larry's arms.

He can hear the cheers of Jedediah and Octavius, grinning when the Roman general actually kisses the cowboy on the left side of his face.

But. The minute he feels Ahkmenrah pick him up suddenly in his arms, spinning both of them around hearing the Pharaoh join in on his laughter does he feel the most excitement. "I told you, you could not get rid of me that easily." Ahkmenrah jokes with a wink.


All of them return to the British museum in one peace. Nathan watches with a small smile on his face as he watches Ahkmenrah reunited with his parents...until Teddy speaks to him and Larry that is.

"Larry...Nathan..." Teddy begins with hesitation. "We've been discussing the arrangements for us and we agreed the Pharaoh should stay here with his parents along with the tablet."

Larry and Nathan give slow nods of understanding. "Okay then. You guys will have to stay here."

"No, Larry. Our place is back at the museum."

Larry, Nathan and Nicky all share a heart breaking expression with one another. Nathan's heart clenched at the very thought of all the magic ceasing to end. Here their friends were moving on and yet the trio were forced to.

"I guess maybe we do need to move on." Nicky stated.

"Maybe we don't."

"Can't you just agree with me this one time Nate?" Nicky rolled his eyes, giving a playful nudge of the other's shoulder laughing when Nathan ruffled his hair in a very brotherly fashion.

Larry lets out a laugh at the scene. Brothers. That's exactly how he always saw him and Nicky as since the day they first met. Yuhan and Sujin raised one hell of a kid. If only you knew of what he actually did with me

Some moments later Ahkmenrah requests a word with Nathan in private, in which they leave a group to a quiet hallway. Hands still intertwined. "So..." Nathan begins, clearing his throat. "You're actually staying behind huh Ahk?"

Ahkmenrah nods slowly, tracing small circles with his thumb over the back of his lover's hand. "Yes. I am." The two remained in silence until the Pharaoh presses his forehead against Nathan's, trying his damndest not to shed a tear gripping Nathan's hand tight. "I'll miss you...Ra I'll miss you so much."

"Oh come on Ahk," Nathan chokes out with a laugh. "We both know that if...if you cry I-I'll start...damn it I'll start after."

Without any thought or hesitation, he lowers his head and presses his lips to Nathan's in a slow, chaste kiss. The younger male wraps his arms around the back of the Pharaoh's neck, memories of their first encounter and the moments in between flooding through his mind. He showed Ahkmenrah what it was like to truly be alive again.

Gave him everything he could possibly give to feel alive once more.

One Last Time {Ahkmenrah} NATMWhere stories live. Discover now