Chapter 1: The blind wanderer

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(Yang p.o.v)

It's getting harder to get up every day. I just wish I could stay in bed and not have to talk with anyone, not even dad. But I know that I need to get up just so dad can feel as though I'm slowly getting better over time even if I'm not...

So I got changed and went downstairs for breakfast but what was surprising was that dad wasn't there in the kitchen like he normally is at this time. Maybe he felt awkward about talking to me because I rejected the new arm that he gave me yesterday... The reason I didn't take it is because I didn't want to rush straight back into the fight after my... change and because, as much as I don't want to admit it... I'm terrified of meeting... him again...

But then as if to snap me out of my sad thoughts I heard a voice I recognized to be my dads and another voice I didn't know coming from outside...

Tai: Wow! These are all really impressive!

???: Thanks, I picked them out myself!

Tai: Seriously! But how! I mean you're... you know...

???: C'mon, there's no need to dance around the issue. I know what I am and I'm fine with it at the end of the day!

Ok now I'm curious, who is this guy and what is he? Some sort of faunus maybe? No, that can't be it. Oh well, I guess there's only one way to find out.

I opened the front door to see my dad holding a perfect dust crystal and beside him I see a young man who looks about my age wearing a pair of sunglasses and other tattered clothes with a dark green tint to them and a hood over his (h/c) hair.

Tai: Oh! morning sunshine!

Yang: Hey dad, who's your friend?

Tai: Well, this is (Y/n), he's a trader who will be in town for the next couple of days.

Taking a second look, I only now notice the large horse pulled wagon filled with plenty of items that the guy was standing next to.

(Y/n): it's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful girl such as yourself.

He then stuck out his hand for me to shake but... somethings not right... then I mentally kick myself for not figuring it out sooner.

Yang: Oh gods, I'm an idiot, you're blind, aren't you?

(Y/n): Huh, dammit! What gave me away?

Yang: oh you know the glasses... and the fact that you were trying to shake hands with our house.

(Y/n): Oh, I suppose that would make it obvious.

Yang: heh, here.

I then took his hand and shook it

(Y/n): now I can tell how beautiful you are!

Yang: Haha, you're not so bad yourself... handsome.

Tai: ALRIGHT! ENOUGH FLIRTING! But if you want, you could stay for some breakfast, if you would like?

(Y/n): You sure? I wouldn't want to intrude.

Tai: well, it's fine as long as Yang doesn't mind

Yang: Sure, not every day you get to have breakfast with an attractive stranger, so why not!

Tai: HEY! What did I say about the flirting?

Yang: hahaha, sorry.

I usually wouldn't invite complete strangers into my house, believe it or not, but I can't help but feel as though this guy is... interesting to say the least. Besides he managed to cheer me up so what harm can a single breakfast do?

yang x male reader: the blind WandererWhere stories live. Discover now