Chapter 2: Breakfast

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(Yang p.o.v.)

Having breakfast with a blind trader who wanders the world, definitely not how I saw my morning going. But I'm glad I get to hear more from this (Y/n) guy, he seems to be a nice enough dude and it is nice to talk to someone who won't mention my... issue, but I guess that's because he doesn't know.

Tai: So! Will pancakes be okay with everyone?

(Y/n): Pancakes sounds great.

Yang: I already had some cereal, so I don't need anything dad.

So dad gave me a thumbs up and went into the kitchen, leaving me and (Y/n) at the table to talk

(Y/n): I gotta say, your house is very nice!

Yang: Hmm? Oh, than-

I then face palmed as I realized that he couldn't actually see our house

(Y/n): Heh, got 'cha, didn't I?

Yang: Okay, you're good.

(Y/n): I'm told that a lot.

I couldn't help but laugh at his smug face but I gotta start asking questions now.

Yang: So (Y/n), where are you staying right now?, I mean I hope your not sleeping in that rough looking wagon all the time.

(Y/n): Nah, I'm not that bad for money, I was planning to stay in an inn or a hotel in town, but I just arrived this morning and happened to meet your dad while I was heading there.

Yang: Oh so we're your first customers in town?

(Y/n): well that depends if you buy anything.

Yang: haha, sorry for side tracking you then.

(Y/n): hah, no harm, besides wandering gets boring after a while of not talking to people.

Tai: okay it's ready!

Right on que, my dad came out of the kitchen with three plates in his hands, I guess he felt bad leaving me out... oh well, I can have two breakfasts.

What followed was the most fun I had ever this team RWBY got separated. Soon enough both me and dad were laughing our asses off with all of (Y/n)'s stories about his travels and the laughs continued until we all finished our meals.

Tai: hey (y/n), sorry for asking a personal question all of a sudden but... all of those dust crystals I saw were practically perfect in every way, so how does a blind traveller like you find such rare items?

(Y/n): Hmm, well I guess I can tell you but don't blame me if you get confused. It's all thanks to my semblance.

Yang: You have a semblance?

(Y/n): Yep, you see my semblance gives me the ability to see both aura and souls. I can see the constant, tiny amount of aura that surrounds each and every thing, people, objects, even grimm and I can therefore see an outline of each of those things and I can see a humans soul in the middle of their chest.

Yang: I don't get it...

(Y/n) : for example I can see that you have long hair tied into a pony tail thanks to a small blue outline of your body but I can't see your face or your eyes  or writing on a book and as for your soul, it is usually a bright ball of fire in your chest and I can see that too.

(Y/n) : for example I can see that you have long hair tied into a pony tail thanks to a small blue outline of your body but I can't see your face or your eyes  or writing on a book and as for your soul, it is usually a bright ball of fire in your ...

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(Like this except instead of seeing the skeletons he sees their soul)

Wow I never would have imagined that (y/n) can see something like aura even if it's not activated. But... something doesn't add up...

Yang: Wait... so if you can see an outline of my body, why couldn't you see me outside?

(Y/n): Oh...well... you see... a regular persons soul is usually big and full of life... but yours... Isn't. It's small and withered to say the least and it's because of your... arm, if I had to guess. So, I tried to cheer you up with a stupid joke... I'm sorry... if I made you remember...bad times.

And just like that I was depressed again ... that same feeling that I was overcome with this morning... was back...

Tai: Uh... Yang! Can you go into town and get a few groceries for me!

Yang: Oh, uh... sure dad.

So he noticed my mood shift, huh. Well, I guess I could use some air... but one thing I noticed just before I left was the frown on (y/n)'s face... guess he feels bad... even if it was my fault for asking...

((Y/n) p.o.v.)

I heard Yang leave... and I felt awful... I was trying to make her feel better!... not worse...

Tai: it wasn't your fault... I know it and she knows it.

(Y/n): Thanks...

Tai: Y'know... I didn't invite you to breakfast just because it was nice...

(Y/n): ...what?

Tai: that was the first time I heard her laugh in months, I wanted her to laugh more... that's why I invited you. You gave her some hope. Your living proof that she can get better and back to her old self... So, here's the deal, you can stay in our house for free as well as eat free meals... if you help my daughter...

I'm shocked. To think that someone is depending on me to help someone else... it's unimaginable.

(Y/n): I... I don't know what to say...

Tai: Say yes. Please. I'm begging you. Help my little girl.

(Y/n): ...I will.

yang x male reader: the blind WandererWhere stories live. Discover now