Chapter 5: The Beast

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(Yang P.O.V.)

I had that nightmare again. It's always the same. I have both my arms and Adam is there, walking towards me. I have my Ember Celica on me so I fire at him. I miss every shot... no, actually, I don't miss, I hit him but he doesn't react, he just... keeps walking... I tried to shoot at him again but this time... I'm not wearing my gauntlets anymore and I am missing my arm... and then I look up and he's smiling at me and he grabs his sword and then...

I wake up. I feel like I'm going crazy. Every night I always have that dream. No matter what I do I always have it and gods only know if I'll ever stop having it. But I guess I can't dwell on that nightmare forever... I mean it's just a dream... right?

((Y/n) P.O.V.)

I woke up to see that same blue glow that at this point, I've gotten sick of. Oh well! What can you do? Gotta say though this was probably the best sleep I've had in a long time, but that probably has to do with the fact that I was actually sleeping on a bed... instead of a crappy ripped sleeping bag in an uncomfortable wagon... but as comfy as this bed is I need to get up. Time is money after all, especially these days so I got dressed and left the room yet it just so happens, I ran into Yang who was also heading downstairs.

Yang: Mornin' handsome! Did you sleep well?

She was smiling but I couldn't help but look at her soul and it wasn't exactly burning very bright...

(Y/n): I slept great! But what about you?

Yang: Me?

(Y/n): you should know by now that it is really hard to hide your actual feelings from me

Yang: oh yeah... it's really annoying y'know. That whole mind reader thing.

(Y/n): I've been told! In fact if I had a penny for every time someone told me to piss off I could... well I couldn't buy much but I would at least have a few lien!

Yang: pfft! Hahaha! Well I suppose that's correct. Well I'll see you downstairs, I guess!

(Y/n): See ya!..............................wait a minute...

Did she dodge the question?... SHE DID! SHE ACTUALLY DODGED THE QUESTION! ...Alright she's good but I'll get her yet!

*time skip*

(Yang p.o.v.)

After we all had Breakfast, (Y/n) headed out again to sell more stuff so I decided to tag along with him to help, even though I'm still not used to the people staring...

To be honest though, not only did the actual sale go a lot faster this time around but I feel ever so slightly more confident than I did yesterday! Maybe it's because I'm used to the stares now... or maybe it's because (Y/n)'s confidence is contagious... whatever the reason, I thank it!

We packed up our stuff soon as it reached three in the afternoon and left in the wagon to go to the house. But it's at that point... I saw him again...

Just walking in front of the wagon towards us... I immediately began to panic and breathe faster than I had ever before. I knew we had to get out of here before he reached us!

I looked at (Y/n) so I could tell him to ditch the slow wagon and start running! But when I looked at him... my blood ran ice cold...

I looked and saw him...hunched over... drenched in his own blood... with a familiar looking sword stuck into his chest...

I screamed. I looked at (Y/n)'s lifeless corpse... And to my surprise, he turned to look at me.


I turned to do exactly what he told me and I ran straight greatest nightmare... the Beast...

and the Beast was smiling...

yang x male reader: the blind Wandererحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن