Chapter 12: Following the Flame?

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((Y/n) P.O.V.)

It's a Sunday so I give myself a day off of selling my items. Today I had a bit of a lie in too. Don't judge me, giving sage advice is hard work! Anyway I know that Yang and Tai are always up early, sparring. So I decided to poke my head out the window to see how it was going. Boy, was I surprised!

I saw Tai just barely standing only held up by Yang holding him by the hand. She wasn't able to beat her dad before this so it came as a shock to see her as the victor. Might as well show some support! I started to whistle and cheer for Yang

(Y/n): Whoop Whoop! Hell Yeah!

They obviously heard me shouting as Yang turned and gave me a thumbs up. I decided to run down to congratulate her properly

(Y/n): Yo! So you finally managed to beat your old man!

Yang: Yep! Bout time too.

Tai: yeah, she caught me off guard... also I'm not an old man yet (y/n)...

Yang: Sure dad... sure...

After hearing Tai try to defend himself and having breakfast, Yang asked me a rather weird question.

Yang: Hey stilts. Do you have any spray paint?

(Y/n): I- what?

Yang: Preferably yellow, since ya' know, my colour.

(Y/n): Why the hell do you want spray paint?

Yang: That doesn't matter, so do you have any?

(Y/n): Well yeah... I think so...

Yang: Great! Bring it round the back garden.

(Y/n): and what makes you think I'll just give you them, those are my hard earned products!

Yang: Cause your meant to be helping me recover from my lost arm!


Yang: Thanks, love ya!

She ran out the door before I could even get another word in

(Y/n): ...That girl will be the death of me...

I went out to my wagon and picked out some yellow spray paint and brought it round to the back where Yang was.

(Y/n): Here ya go.

Yang: um... (Y/n)...

(Y/n): sup?

Yang: this is blue... not yellow...

(Y/n): ... can you get the paint yourself...

Yang: pfft! Sure genius.

(Y/n): SHUT. UP.

After Yang got the actual yellow paint I noticed what she was actually doing. 

(Y/n): So giving the new hardware a lick of paint?

Yang: Yep! 

(Y/n): how come?

Yang: I... Im gonna go look for my sister.

(Y/n): oh...

I'll admit that kinda hurt me a bit. As selfish as it is, I don't want to have to say goodbye to her... But I know that she needs to do this, for her own sake...

(Y/n): I get it you need to get back out there and do what you can to help her... Well with a solid reason like that how could I object! I'll be sure to wish you all the luck in the world when your goin'!

Yang stared at me with a look that basically said that I was an idiot

Yang: Are you actually stupid or do you just act like you are?

(Y/n): come again?

Yang: I'm asking you to come with me, dumbass.

(Y/n): You... want me to come with you?

Yang: Of course, why wouldn't I? (Y/n)?

I had gone silent. I was lost in thought
It was strange. To have someone actually want me to stay with them. Maybe it was just because my parents didn't want me that I was thinking about this so much but it really felt nice to be... Wanted.

Yang: guess this is a no then, huh. I get it you have your shop and everything, so I shouldn't have just expected you to com-

(Y/n): Alright... I'll come look for your sister with you, hell as long as you want me around, I'll be there!

Yang: really but what about the shop?

(Y/n): I'll bring it with me! Not the wagon but the important stuff I can make some quick money off. I have soooo many pockets!

Yang: Well... Alright then let's go!

(Y/n): wait, now?!

Yang: Sure! I'll finish painting while you go pack your stuff, then we hop on bumblebee and cruise straight to Ruby!

(Y/n): won't your dad mind?

Yang: he couldn't stop me if he tried. But enough chit-chat, go get your stuff!

And with that, Yang shooed me off to my wagon. I didn't take too much, just some dust crystals and of course whisper too as well as its arrows. 

I ran back to see yang with her bright yellow arm back on, opening up the shed she stored her bike in.

Yang: ready?

(Y/n): as I'll ever be.

We walked in and Yang reached out and pulled the large tarp off of an object revealing it to be bumblebee

Tai: I figured I'd find you here.

We turned to see tai leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

Yang: you planning to stop us?

Tai: No... Just making sure you don't do anything stupid.

He paused for a moment almost like he was wondering if he should say his next sentence.

Tai: I know how much you want to see your mother again and I think your mature enough to know where she is... But you also have your sister to think about... So which way are you gonna go?

Yang was silent. I could see her soul start to flicker with a feeling of indecision. I placed my hand on her shoulder.

(Y/n): It's your call Yang, I'll be there no matter what.

Her head turned to look at me and while I guess I'll never really know I get the feeling that she was smiling.

Yang: I've decided.

(timeskip: a few days)

Let me tell you something, if you go on a long trip on a bike, bring some damn pillows or something to sit on, cause Yang and I have been riding bumblebee for a couple hours now and fuck is my ass sore!

But yeah, we left. And we're on our way to kill two birds with one stone by meeting Yang's mom and joining her sister. It was kinda sad leaving the crappy wagon I called home but Tai promised he'd take care of it as thanks for "saving his little girl" but to be honest I wasn't really helping Yang cause he asked...

I helped because I know from personal experience that if you fall into that dark place and no one wants to pull you out, it can affect you for the rest of your life... And I couldn't watch her drown in self pity.

And all my time I put in was worth it in the end, cause for the first time ever I have someone I can truly call my friend... Maybe even something more... But that's just me getting a head of myself.

Yang: hey, watcha thinking bout?

The blonde called to me over the sound of bumblebee's roaring engine

(Y/n) : Nothin, I just was thinking that it's pretty ironic it took a blind dude to help you see what you needed to do.

Yang: Shut up (Y/n)

(Y/n): Heh!... Never...

yang x male reader: the blind WandererDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora