Chapter 9: A Blind Mans Past

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((Y/n) P.O.V.)

(Y/n): Alright... I'll tell you everything... but to do that I'm gonna have to go back to the very beginning.

I looked at Yang's soul, and saw a small but mighty flicker of curiosity, she really wants to know my past... so I'll tell her.

(Y/n): I grew up in a small orphanage in Atlus. It was a crappy run down place but it was my only home. I never met my parents so I had no idea who they are or where they are or why they left me. But at the very least my parents did do something for me! They left me a gift. A weapon!

I decided that it would be better if I just showed her than actually describing so I went into my wagon and brought out the box with my weapon inside it

I decided that it would be better if I just showed her than actually describing so I went into my wagon and brought out the box with my weapon inside it

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(just the bow, not the swords)

I could already tell she thought it looked super cool just by looking at her soul

(Y/n): it's kick ass right?! This bad boy is whisper. It's a high class bow that has plenty of powerful and beautifully crafted dust arrows! Actually when I originally got it, it was white, but I decided to spray paint it to black and green, which are more my colours. But anyway when I turned 7 the lady who ran the orphanage gave it to me and said that the guy who dropped me at the orphanage gave this to her and said to give it to me when I'm older.

Yang: So what did you do next.

(Y/n): Trained with it, of course! I trained with this thing for 10 whole years until I was ready to chase my dream!

Yang: What was your dream?

(Y/n): To become a huntsman!


(Y/n): You bet! And I was gonna go to beacon to become one too!

Yang: You were going to go to beacon! But we're the same age so that means...

(Y/n): I would have joined the same time you did and been a first year like you!

Yang: Woah! So wait... why didn't you go?

(Y/n): well... that has to do with how I became blind in the first place... wanna hear the story?

Yang: uh, HELL YEAH!

(Y/n): alright, calm down! I'll tell you...

((Y/n) P.O.V. 2 years ago)

John: This is insane, (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Maybe, but it's still gonna work!

John: I know you need to get to vale soon but you can't stowaway on a Schnee Dust transport train!

(Y/n): C'mon! This'll be easy! Besides do you know how much it would cost me to get from here in Atlus, all the way to vale!?

John: What if you get caught?!

(Y/n): I won't, anyway this train goes to Vacuo then I get off and sneak onto another train going to vale and ta da, I'm there!

John: ...Alright man. Just be careful.

(Y/n): I will, see ya bro.

I said goodbye to John and managed to sneak aboard the train. All I can see around me are boxes upon boxes of dust and I'm pretty sure this train is also transporting some new combat robots too but I don't really care. It's gonna be a long ride so I best get some shut eye, better than being bored in a train for 24 hours.

(Timeskip- a few hours)

I woke up to the sound of gunshots and cannon fire. I looked out the window to see if the train was being shot at but I only saw beautiful red trees. That means that the gunshots were coming from the train. I grabbed whisper and as I did the gunfire...... stopped. It was silent. I waited for a few minutes to see if the noise would start again. It didn't. I peeked into the next train car which stored the robots and saw nothing but scraps and pieces of broken and sliced up metal.

But I did see one other thing, a hole in the back of the train car leading to the next car along and at the end of that car I saw a man with his back turned to me. A man with red and black hair. A man with a rose on the back of his jacket. A man with a katana by his side. A man with bull horns. A man...

Called Adam Taurus...

Adam: Oh. A stowaway. Good. I needed someway to release my anger now she's gone and pissed me off.

He pulled the gun in his hilt and fired at me. I quickly closed the carriage door so the bullets hit it instead. I ran back and pulled out a fire dust arrow and drew my bow. In seconds I saw his blade pierce the carriage door and cut the door straight off its hinges

Adam: When will you humans learn...

I fired the arrow only for him to dodge to the side so the arrow missed, exploding behind him

Adam: That you are nothing short...

I pulled out another fire dust arrow and fired it, only to have the same result as when I fired the last one

Adam: Of inferior...

I pulled another fire dust arrow and drew back my bow but then... he shot the arrow's head right when I pulled it back and fire dust burst out of the arrows tip... straight into my open eyes.

I screamed as my eyes felt as though they were literally set ablaze. I dropped to the floor, rolling as pain surged throughout my eyes, crying blood all the while.


Adam: Pathetic. You are too sad for even me to kill, though I can't say the explosives on this train will be as generous as I am.

I heard footsteps walk away from me. He was gone.

After a few minutes which felt like years, thanks to the immeasurable pain I was in, the dust faded and the pain stopped but I still had one more horrible surprise left for me that day, and I realised that when I was finally able to open my burned eyes.

(Y/n): ...Oh my god...

I saw nothing. It wasn't even black it was just nothing. No light. No dark. Just... nothing.

(Y/n): Please... somebody... help me... PLEASE I CAN'T SEE, PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!

I don't know what happened next. Maybe the gods had mercy on me. Maybe it was a demon. Maybe I just got lucky... but whatever the reason at the moment I needed it most, I unlocked my semblance.

I started to see outlines of aura, of the train, of my bow, even my own hands, but I just saw the outlines nothing more. But outlines was all I needed.

Still confused, I picked up what I assumed was my bow and started to walk towards the back carriage. I knew Taurus wasn't the type of person to make idle threats. There was a bomb on the train. So I did what I could. I jumped off the train. Was it stupid? Yes. Was it dangerous? Yes. Could I have gotten injured? Absolutely. But injured is better than dead.

So I jumped and by sheer luck once again I managed to land on what felt like grass. It hurt like hell to jump off a high speed train but still better than the alternative. Seconds later I heard a huge explosion and I turned and "saw" the wreckage, but I didn't care. All I cared about was the fact that I wasn't still on that damn train.

I was broken.

I was bleeding.

I was blind.

But I was still breathing.

Still alive...

yang x male reader: the blind WandererWhere stories live. Discover now