chapter 4: Emotions are tough

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((Y/n) p.o.v.)

Yang: Blake was my best friend and I felt as though I could rely on her whenever I needed her. I wanted to help her and sometimes I was able to and other times she helped me...

I looked at Yangs soul. It was... strange to say the least. I could see a flame of happiness, sadness and anger all at once. I don't have the foggiest idea of what expression she has on her face, but I know it isn't a smile.

Yang: Back at beacon, Blake ran into... someone, from her past and they attacked her... and they hurt her... and I saw it all... so I rushed to protect her or help her or something... and then I...

(Y/n): you don't have to say it... I know now...

Yang: I was unconscious for a while but when I woke up I happened to see some other friends... and they told me that... Blake was gone.

(Y/n): Gone?

Yang: SHE RAN AWAY! From me, from the rest of team RWBY, from all of her friends! and no one's seen her ever since then... She left when we needed her most... when I needed her most... Some best friend, huh

(Y/n):So that's why your angry with her.

Yang: pretty much...

(Y/n): Y'know what? I think your right!

Yang: Huh?

(Y/n): She is a bad friend and you have the right to be angry at her.

Yang: Damn... I was kinda expecting you to say I should forgive her.

(Y/n): well surprise! I'm on the same page as you... buuuuut...

Yang: There it is...

(Y/n): I think before you completely blame her, you should just be careful not to get TOO angry.

Yang: What?

(Y/n): Well... if you just focus on how much you're angry at Blake for leaving you'll end up a different person than who you were before. Anger can be great in a fight! If both your logic and emotions are telling you to kick the crap outta someone your gonna hit harder but anger can also hit your friends hard, you can become bitter... cold... so just don't let this grudge you have against this chick change you... okay?

Yang: ...Umm....Yeah! Okay.

(Yangs p.o.v.)

I am impressed. Not only was he able to understand how I felt but he agreed with me and gave me some pretty good advice as well. This guy... he's something else.

(Y/n): Well then again I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed so what do I know?

Yang: No, you're right, besides if I should hate anyone it should be that bastard, Adam.

At that moment, (Y/n) dropped something on the ground and it broke on impact.

(Y/n): Wait. Adam? As in Adam Taurus? The guy from the white gang? That's the guy who hurt you?!

Yang: umm... yeah he was, why do you know him?

(Y/n): uh... well us know I uh heard about him from the news and I was surprised.

Yang: ah, okay...

(Y/n): well, now that we're packed up let's go back.

Yang: yeah...

The ride back was filled with idle chit chat but it also was rather quiet. I couldn't stop thinking about how (Y/n) reacted to... his name. I've got a bad feeling about all this.

We got home and after a while decided to go to sleep with (Y/n) in the guest room like my dad said. After I got changed, I looked at my arm and frowned and yet when I closed my eyes I saw him and I smiled thinking about the man I had met today.

Yang: Well, this should be interesting...

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