Chapter 13: Just Right.

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((Y/n) p.o.v)

(Y/n): You're bullshiting me, right now!

Yang: I promise you, I'm not!

(Y/n): What would you even use that for?!

Yang: ...Oh c'mon, you're not that oblivious.

(Y/n): No, I know what you use it for, you deviant. I just want to know what the atlus robotacists were thinking giving your arm a vibrate function!

Yang: Dunno, maybe all the atlus scientists are pervs?

(Y/n): Nah, there all stiffs up there.

Yang: Aren't you from Atlus?

(Y/n): I'm the exception that makes the rule.

Yang: Pfft! You're such a dork.

So things have been going pretty well since we left the house. We got food and water, we don't hate each other yet and neither of us is dead, so ya know, good start!

Yang: Yo, Bumblebee's short on juice so we're stopping off at that gas station.

(Y/n): Aww, just when we were about to crack the case of the "MyStErIoUs ViBrAtIoN fUnCtIoN "

Yang: You are such a jackass.

(Y/n): You love me really.

Yang slightly scoffed at my statement but smiled right after showing I was right. We pulled up to the gas station called "Just Right", filled up the bike and decided to have a drink as well.

We entered the store were I was greeted with the sight of an old soul which I'm pretty sure was behind the counter and in the corner another one looking a bit more ragged and cynical. We sat on the stools.

(Y/n): Two drinks please pops!

Store staff: You two sure you're old enough to drink?

Yang: Water will be fine, it's hot out.

With that the man goes off to fetch our water, it's then that the guy at the end of the counter opens his mouth.

Thug: Hahaha... You mean that you're not old enough to drink, you look like a regular huntress. And a beauty at that...

Yang: I'm good, thanks.

Thug: I'm serious... Not too bulky... Not to lean... You're-

Yang: ...Just right...

(Y/n): Pffft! Oh my god...

Thug: Huh? You laughing at me, Shades.

(Y/n): Me? Laugh? At you? No. Never. Your trash flirting however...

At that point, the guy grabbed me by the shirt and reeled back a clenched fist preparing to punch me, but I wasn't too threatened, guys like this are all bark, zero bite. That and I also had my own guardian angel with red eyes step in by gripping the guys arm.

Yang: Leave him alone.

Thug: Heh. What's the matter shades? Need your girl to protect you?

(Y/n): Need her to? No...

Yang proceeded to punch the guy straight across the jaw launching straight through the door of the building ending with a loud impact.

(Y/n): ...But I REALLY like it when she does.

I turned to Yang with a smile but I noticed that she was shaking and grabbing her hand to keep it steady. I guess I forgot that this was her first interaction with real combat since the arm.

(Y/n): you good?

Yang: ...Why did you pick a fight with that guy?

(Y/n): Why not? He was being a creep.

Yang: He could have hurt you!

(Y/n): uh... Are we talking about the same guy here.

Yang: He-... Can we just get our drinks and go find my mom... Please...

(Y/n): um... Yeah... Sure Yang...

What was that about? Well anyway we drink our water and leave the station just as my favourite jackass is gaining consciousness again.

Thug:... Hey... You said that you were looking for someone right...

(Y/n): Hey lover boy, you're awake! Yeah, a broad called Raven Branwen, know the name?

Thug: Better. I know where she is.

Well. This is SO a trap.

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