Chapter 3: Stories

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(Yang p.o.v.)

I'm still angry at myself for letting a simple sorry affect me this way... and I now imagine that (Y/n) is gonna be gone by the time I get home... he's bound to have felt awkward and left...

I got back home soon enough and I was surprised to see that (y/n)'s horse and cart were still in front of the house. I guess he hasn't left yet... it'll be kinda uncomfortable but I can't exactly ignore him so I guess I gotta go in.

Yang: Hey. I'm back.

Tai: Hey hun!

Yang: Hey, is (y/n) still here?

(Y/n): You bet I am!

Yang: OH CRAP! You scared me!

I turned around to see him coming down from the stairs, quite silently I might add.

(Y/n): Hahaha, sorry, I didn't mean to.

Yang: No, it's fine!

(Y/n): Well, anyway I got to go make a living.

Yang: Oh! So you're leaving...

(Y/n): Yeah... but not permanently!

Yang: Huh?

Tai: Oh yeah! I nearly forgot to tell you, (Y/n) will be staying with us for a while just in the guest bedroom upstairs... well assuming that's okay with you?

Yang: ah! Yeah sure! So you're gonna sell your stuff in town?

(Y/n): Yep, and I... you know what... why don't you come along too?

Yang: What?

(Y/n): Sure, come with me, it'll be fun, besides a pretty girl like yourself always brings in more customers!

Yang: W-What?!

(Y/n): C'mon, break out of your comfort zone and help me while your at it. Gods know I could use it!

Yang: I don't know... I mean what about my...

(Y/n): What about it.

At that moment, (Y/n) smiled at me and in an instant I felt confident. Even if it only lasted for a few minutes, it was there. And it was all because of this guy not caring about my arm and giving me complements even if he didn't actually know what I looked like.

Yang: .....Oh what the hell, sure.

(Y/n): Hooray! She gives in at last!

Yang: Ha! If your not careful I won't come!

(Y/n): Ah! No take backs!

Yang: Hahahahaha!

I couldn't help but laugh at how childish he was being, a nice break from my usual sombre situation. So we got on (Y/n)'s wagon and rode to the town chatting all the way. I guess it wasn't awkward after all...

But when we got to town... it was everything I feared... it's one thing to be trying to avoid attention like when I was out this morning but this time I was trying to GET attention... so for the most of the time I was there, I was quiet and trying to hide behind (Y/n). But I got to say, despite being blind, that man can haggle! He managed to get more than his original price for most of his items! Speaking of his items, he had everything! Dust, weapons, books, I think I even saw a old scroll in there.

After a few long, profit filled hours, we finally decided to pack up and go back home

(Y/n): Hey Yang, can I ask you something?

Yang: sure.

(Y/n): What's your sister like?

Yang: Huh? How did you...

(Y/n): Tai.

Yang: Oh. Well she's happy, energetic and full of life... or at least that's what I hope she still is...

(Y/n): What do you mean?

Yang: well... I assume dad already told about what happened at our school right?

He only nodded

Yang: So, when... that happened she saw something that... was very traumatic and I'm worried she won't be the same after it.

(Y/n): Where is she now?

Yang: I don't know. She and a few of our friends left to who knows where.

(Y/n): Are you angry with her?

Yang: What?

(Y/n): Are you angry at her for leaving?

Yang: I... I don't know. I mean I wish she was here and helping me but I couldn't stop her from leaving if I tried...

He offered no response. He just looked at me or at least his version of looking. After a couple more quiet seconds he continued to ask his next questions.

(Y/n): So you wanted to be a huntress? That's why you went to that school in the first place?

Yang: Um... yeah I wanted to travel around the world and go thrill seeking.

(Y/n): So who was on your team? I'm guessing that you had one.

Yang: Yeah, there was my sister, Ruby

(Y/n): The little ball of energy apparently

Yang: Oh, you bet! Next their was Weiss.

(Y/n): Wait, as in Weiss Schnee?

Yang: ya' hit the nail on the head.

(Y/n): Damn! Who knew you were friends with the rich kids!

Yang: Haha! Not quite! And then last there was...

(Y/n): Yeah?

Yang: Um... my partner... Blake...

(Y/n): Now we're getting somewhere!

Yang: Huh?

(Y/n): believe it or not I've been travelling for a while now and I've seen that sort of blaze of a soul before. That blaze of anger. I, at first thought you might be angry at your sister but nope, not even a flicker and yet as soon as you mentioned this chick your soul really started to burn.

He's right. As soon as I thought about Blake, I could feel myself getting pissed.

(Y/n): So what happened?.... What did this girl do?

I was having a battle in my mind. Should I tell him? Should I not? Was I ready to tell anyone about what I was feeling? Can I trust (Y/n)? I looked at him and all I saw was that same genuine smile he had flashed me before that told me that he wouldn't judge me at all. And trusting that smile I decided to let him into my mind and I told him how I felt about what had happened...

yang x male reader: the blind WandererWhere stories live. Discover now