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The commander is nonplussed. Once the natives are captured they are brought here and treated with respect. They are given all they need and treated as well as his own people. With one exception, they aren't allowed to leave. The majority have even shown desires to become part of the United Planets Alliance. Among those were even some of their leaders, Elders such as herself.

Sareen shakes her head, "You don't understand. But then how could you? Your planets aren't alive. Your people came to them as you did us here."

Then Sareen says something that thoroughly shakes the Commander and those with him. "Earth was your planet and you killed her too, long and long ago. So long ago that your people no longer remember her. Fleeing from her you found Gaia first, at least that's what you call your planet. Then you found and colonized the other planets.

"Warriors born, you learn to sense your enemy, you are bred to it so it sings in your blood. Dayla is like that for us. She lives, Commander." Sareen shakes her head in sorrow. "Those that have joined with you have betrayed Dayla. They are lost, empty, they no longer feel her singing in their blood. They have lost everything, yet they don't even realize it yet."

Commander Kellan is shaken by Sareen's words but does his best to hide it. "Lady, I can't understand what you've said. A planet has no sentience such as you and I. However, you are allowed the freedom of the compound. You are free to speak to your people. You may reassure yourself that they are well. Only you will not be allowed to leave. If you have need of anything just ask." Kellan tries to reassure her.

Sareen looks at the Commander and says, "The only thing I need is for your people to leave, Commander. If you remain all will die. Dayla will protect herself." Sareen's words are spoken with power, the power of a promise. 

She refuses to look at the one that watches anxiously at the observation window. Her words are heard and are like daggers of cold being driven deeper inside. The words are a warning and a promise of what was about to come. They also bring attention to the vague disquiet he and the others have felt.

The Commander leaves the room and joins the young looking man at the window. "She doesn't understand, Jenk. The only chance your people have is by joining with us." Kellan says as he stands by the man and watches the woman lying on the bed.

The young man smiles sadly, "No, Commander. My people will forever be divided now. Those like me, have joined you. We have betrayed Dayla. Even now my powers ebb. Soon they'll be gone. She's right, you know. Dayla sings in our blood. Now her voice is a memory. We ache to hear it again. Some of us are starting to understand just what we have given up." Jenk turns away from watching his mother and faces the commander. "But I don't think we've yet to realize just yet, the full meaning of our betrayal, the complete horror of what will happen to us." Jenk falls silent for a moment.

"She knew, she knew that most of those captured would betray Dayla. She knew I would be one of the betrayers. She knew that she would be captured. She knows that not one of the Elders captured will return alive to Dayla. She told us so much that would happen. So much of what has already happened. Soon now, I think, the rest will happen and Dayla will be at peace."

Kellan is intrigued by his response, "What do you think will happen, Jenk?"

Jenk turns from the Commander, but not before he sees the tears in Jenk's eyes, "Sareen will die and with her death you will leave." Jenk says it slowly, sadly as he watches his mother hungrily. He wants nothing more than for her to turn to him and reassure him that all would be well.

He watches as she stands up and walks out of the room. Not once does she turn to face him or look at him.

The two follow her as she walks down the corridor. "Commander, you might start to understand what she was telling you." As they follow her Jenk realizes that she is heading to where those that joined with the invaders were. Where they were gathered to choose their reward. He turns a sickly green and becomes nauseas. "We'd better hurry, Commander. Once she gets to my people she won't hold back."

They enter the room where everywhere her people are busy choosing jewelry and making their orders. Sareen looks at them all with contempt. Her contempt rolls off of her in waves and little by little the room becomes quiet. Her people look at her. Some look down in shame.

The longer she remains silent the more that look down. Finally the last one looks down in shame. "For this," she gestures at the jewelry that is imaged, "you are bought. For this glittering nothingness you've sold yourselves, your families, your clans, your planet? For nothing! You have destroyed your people for nothing! You've betrayed Dayla for NOTHING! You have destroyed yourselves for naught. Have you not felt her leave you? You've lost everything, you are empty, lost for now and forever. Your shame will be burn within you down through time. In you, in your children, in their children. To last until the last of your cursed blood shall live. Always longing for Dayla and never able to be hear her." With this pronouncement she sweeps out of the room. Some, those with the greatest shame pass out.

Jenk himself is shaken to his very core. He has to steady himself against the door frame. He waves off Kellan's concern. Instead he gasps out, "We'd better follow her. These will receive the help they need." But he knew that some at least, would never wake. He wished that he could join them.

As Sareen wanders the compound her heartbreaks at how many have turned. As she approaches them they look down in shame. Already the curse has reached them. Soon it will extend to the traitors that are mining for the invaders. 

As she comes upon a true heart, she speaks to them lifting their spirits. Peace comes upon their countenance.

"What is she saying to them? They are at peace now. Some have been here for weeks and always they are like caged animals pining for freedom." Kellan says in amazement.

With a great deal of longing, and hunger Jenk replies, "She is blessing them. She's reassuring them that they'll be free soon. Ah, another Elder." Jenk watches in pain as Sareen hugs the Elder. Then he bites back an oath.

Alarmed Kellan demands, "What is it, Jenk?" Kellan becomes alert.

"The Elder has passed on her powers to my mother. She will pass now. The others have already gathered around her body. They'll prepare it and release her." Pain flares as the other Elders, all five that remain true, greet his mother. Her hug of greeting to them sharper than a dagger to his heart to Jenk. Each release of power to her weakens him further. As the last one passes his powers to Sareen, Jenk collapses.

Kellan is alarmed and half carries Jenk to inside the compound. Jenk says gasping for air, "No, just set me down. I'll be alright. She is calling all the power of the land to her. Dayla is stripping my powers. It's just very uncomfortable. I just need to rest for a bit." As he regains his composure the emptiness within becomes a vast aching void. Shame bites deep and hard.

"She has begun her death fast." Jenks, ominous words fall heavy on Kellan's heart. He has no idea what the hell a death fast is, but it can't be good.

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