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"Commander," Kadance says laying down her fork. "I know Tommy is about jumping out of his seat wanting to grill you on your report. First off, I want to say, I'm sorry for what you've gone through. My company refused to consider going to this Dayla because of reports of sentient beings. By the time I realized the location of my rivals for colonizing, it was too late to do anything. I couldn't believe that one of the companies had been sent with the civilians to suppress the natives there. I was furious, but again, it was too late to do anything."

At Kadance's compassionate words Kellan and his LC aren't able to eat any more and they too set down their forks. "We recognize that if it had been your company it never would have happened. If you choose to return with us we will need to stop by Planex and pick up those that need to return to Dayla."

"I thought you said that the natives that came with you are being trained for a space station to warn away others?" Jayse says in confusion even as Tommy tries to get him to stop speaking. Jayse sees Tommy's motions too late and hides his distaste at having stepped in something.

Kellan takes a couple of deep breaths trying to control his emotions before answering Jayse's question. "They are being trained in that yes. But the natives are dying. And a longing has entered into them that makes them desire to return to Dayla. Once they die  or are dying they will return to Dayla hoping to find some peace."

Unable to continue his LC takes over. "The natives have a unique relationship with Dayla. She is important for them to live and once they chose to go with us they were cut off from Dayla. They are slowly dying, some more slowly than others. Jenk, the one that explained all of this to us was one of the first to die and he was thankful. He said that his mother was being merciful like a warrior receiving the final grace because the pain from being cut off from Dayla is intense. Sareen was in excruciating pain as she took the pain of Dayla into herself in losing so many of her children."

The LC's words cause silence to descend in the room. "I'm sorry for bringing up such unhappy memories. Of course we'll stop at Planex and see if there are any that need to return with us to Dayla.

"Commander, what happened in Dayla was by no means your fault, nor the fault of Beta Company. It is fully the fault of my competitor giving lies and half truths to Command. Do not let their deaths weigh you down."

Tommy and Jayse look at him in understanding. They know as well as Kellan, that no matter how much your brain might know and understand, your heart doesn't always.

"Are you able to sleep, Commander?" Jayse breaks in suddenly.

Kellan gives a bitter laugh. "How did you know, Jayse?"

"I was the same after Bandro. I won't say that they are the same. Of the two I'd say what you went through is the bigger hell. At least my company was prepared to die. We are protectors not killers of the innocent."

"Not even with the sleeping pill Bugs gave me. It wasn't until Sareen came and gave me instructions. She told me to hold my knife the same as I instructed you and Tommy to hold it. Only then was I able to sleep. She too, tried to convince me that it wasn't my fault. But no matter how you cut it, I was the one that brought her people to the compound and asked them to help us in return for money. I was the devil that destroyed their life."

"An unwitting one perhaps. The true devils were the ones that lied to Command and sent you there in the first place." Tommy says softly, the first words other than questions he said directly to Kellan. "Her competitors are getting  ambitious and jealous. They want what she has but are no where near her in money and assets so they are cutting corners in dangerous ways. Now they are pulling us away from our jobs and endangering everyone. I'm sure that they will face injunctions once Jannsen returns to Gaia, if not sooner. We don't like being used for dirty ends and unnecessary distractions from this war."

"Oh, you can bet on that one. I've already sent messages out to have the leaders of that company to be detained at HQ and they will have their trial when I return. Should any deaths happen because Beta Company was doing this job instead of their intended job of fighting they will be held responsible for those deaths as well." Jannsen says in the hardest voice Kellan has ever heard from him.

Kadance turns her attention from Kellan and his LC to the Admiral. "That reminds me, Admiral. Something I've been wondering for more than eighteen years. On Luna Two Tanker told Jayse and Tommy the truth about Bandro. I want to know why Command hadn't done so when they finished their fact finding?" Kadance is angry at this. Three years they'd blamed themselves for the death of Sigma. Three long years that didn't need to have been laden with guilt. A guilt that nearly destroyed Gaia.

With her words Tommy and Jayse also fix Jannsen with a steely gaze. "I was newly placed on the council when they decided the truth. I was shocked that Reuton decided as he did, but he ordered it and I couldn't say anything. I thought he was wrong but he was terrified what they would do if they found out the truth."

Kadance snorts and Jayse glares at this, "His with holding the truth just about destroyed Gaia. He's just damn lucky I was with Jayse when he lost it and I was able to stop him."

Kellan swallows  hard. Reuton just about destroyed Gaia when he knew the truth and didn't tell Jayse and Tommy. No single company had ever survived such odds as Sigma did that day. Some would argue that Sigma didn't survive, but they did manage to save the civilians and that was what was important. Against such odds no other company would have done as much even with aerial support.

They need the new Sigma, if they would be just half as good as the original.

"Kadance, I know this question is rather volatile, but please, why are you so against the reforming of Sigma?"

There is silence more profound then any that Kellan has ever experienced after his question. "I guess since we've been asking painful questions all night of you it's only fair that you ask me this. It's not so much that I'm against Sigma reforming. I think I cried at their death as much as anyone other than the Sigma redliners.

"I think that Sigma should be allowed to rest in peace. If they wish to start a Company of elite fighters with my children and those of my security team then they should do so under a new name not one of the dead."

Jayse, Tommy and Jannsen all look at her, "That's the reason you are against Sigma reforming?" Jayse says incredulously.

"Yes, all you had to do was ask if you had wanted to know. Instead all you tried to do was force me to accept that my children, nephews and their mates were all needed in an elite company. I'm not stupid, I can see the advantages of the type of Company you wish to make. I agree with the theory, just not the way you're going after it."

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