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"Kadance, we just got word, Commander Kellan and several members of Beta Company were killed on the last attack against the shifters." Jayse says coming into where Kadance is nervously waiting for news about her children. It's been ten years since the oldest of her children had graduated, her second set of children had also graduated and joined Sigma. Only her youngest are still in Camp.

Sigma is always sent on the missions against the shifters on their worlds. Ever since that first attack the tide of the war has shifted. Of all the shifter worlds about a third of them were easily taken out, not as heavily populated. Now they are going after the ones that are far more heavily populated and the fighting is far more heated.

Now, Beta Company has been hard hit. They were the company assigned to go with Sigma this world.

Kadance looks at Jayse sadly. "What is Command doing with their bodies?"

"They are honoring the requests made, they will be returned to Dayla and will be placed in the abandoned compound."

Once more the dust and wind comes from nowhere, "He will be welcome, but we wish to see your elite fighters as well. Kadance, it's good to see you again."

"Hello, Sareen. You wish to see Sigma?"

"They have been deeply traumatized, especially after this last fight. Have them all come as the honor guard for the fallen. They are welcome."

Kadance is unable to speak and so Tommy answers for her as Jayse holds her. "We will inform Command. I'm sure that they will have no problem with that. Sigma will need some down time to recover and they will give it, because otherwise they will have to deal with Kadance."

Sareen smiles at this, "Yes, they are as terrified of her as they are the shifters, but for far less reason."

"My children?" Kadance asks looking up at Sareen.

Sareen looks down sadly, "There were a couple that were severely harmed, but none died. Your work will be cut out for you when they come, Kadance. There were many children and they had their orders. You have one among your team that knows that horror all to well."

Kadance looks at her with tears welling in her eyes. "Yes, and I almost lost that one."

"That is part of the reason I wish to have them come to Dayla. Your abilities and that of the knives gifted won't be enough this time. We would not harm those that are helping us any more than is absolutely necessary in their work. Dayla wishes to help in healing them."

"Thank you, Sareen, please let Dayla know that we appreciate all the help she has and continues to give us."

"She knows, Kadance, otherwise she wouldn't be helping you still. I think that perhaps you need to be with your children as well. Meet them at Planex, the last of my lost ones will be getting a ride from there to Dayla too."

With those words Kadance isn't able to hold back the tears. "I am sorry."

Sareen smiles at Kadance. "No, I think you misunderstand me. The space station is ready and the last of my lost ones will be transported there to man it. They will be much more at peace being that close to Dayla. It is a good thing. Although, you are right, there are those that will need to come down with you and Sigma."

"I'll get on the line with Command and make the arrangements right away, Sareen." Jayse says, already having Candlen set up the link.

"Thank you, Jayse. Until, Dayla then. Kadance, be at peace." Sareen says before disappearing once more in the wind and dust that shouldn't be found in an enclosed room with no windows and the only door shut and locked in the basement.

Kadance: Another TaleWhere stories live. Discover now