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Soon it was time for the graduating ceremony. Jannsen has invited Kellan and Beta company to watch in the audience and Kadance and her team as special guests on the stage with him as he announces the news.

Most of Beta hadn't heard the rumors and they were just as shocked as the rest of the audience when Jannsen announces, "For the first time since the war we have enough graduates that we are able to do something we've needed to do for some time. We are reforming one of the dead companies. Jade, Jax would you please join me up here with your aunt and uncles?"

The murmurs of shock rise from a low murmur to a low roar as Jade and Jax wearing their Alpha uniforms make their way to the stage. Kellan hadn't heard that Alpha had come to Camp, but it makes sense that they are here.

Once the two take their places on the stage Jannsen continues. "As you all know, eighteen years ago was the last graduation ceremony at the original Camp. That there had even been a graduation ceremony or that we are here this day is in large part due to the efforts of those on the stage with me.

"Jade and Jax have shown exemplary service and have both risen with a meteoric rise through the ranks of Alpha. And tonight they will be given another challenge.

"Tonight I announce that Sigma will be reformed and Jade and Jax will be their co-commanders. They are splitting the duties because this Sigma will not just be an elite company like the original, but it is a very elite company.

"The core of this Sigma company will be made up of the children of the only known survivors of Sigma, their mates and those handpicked by Tanker, Jayse and Tommy. They will be covert operatives, backup, and sent on special missions as the need makes itself known.

"Jade, Jax, please have your mates join you, as you hand out the assignments please," Jannsen says then moves so that Jade and Jax could take the space at the podium and call forth their cousins, mates and close family friends to come up and take their place. Those that aren't part of the main group but hand picked feel honored and more than a little overwhelmed to be included with that group. Their parents, once over their shock couldn't be prouder of their children.

"Thank you, Jade and Jax. Now, I have another shocking announcement, although, these cadets have yet to reach the correct age, they have surpassed all the teaching available and will be graduating this night as well. "Jade, Jax?" This time they call forth the children that are from Jayse's son and Tommy's daughter.

Once more there are shocked murmurs going through the hall. There are many new precedents made this night.

"Thank you, now on to the rest of the graduating class. Sigma, please meet me after the ceremony before you take off to do your own celebrating."

This time Jannsen turns the podium over to the Commander of Camp and the graduation ceremony takes place without any delays or problems.

After the ceremony Kadance's kids surround her and their fathers. "You knew!" is a general accusation they all throw at Kadance and their father's.

Kadance smirks as does Tommy. "Yes, we knew. As would you if you had hacked into the system."

The hackers look down in shame, "We tried. They found a program we couldn't break."

Tommy smirks and winks at Baron. They'd worked together to make that program. They have no doubt that their children will be able to break it soon, but it served it's purpose. They wanted it as a surprise.

"Jayse, how did you pull this one off?" Jade demands about his new promotion.

Jayse just shakes his head. "I didn't. You and Jax have earned this right a thousand times over and you know it. I know you'd rather be doing demo just like Tommy, but you and your brother are the only ones we trust enough to lead our children, the only ones good enough to lead the new Sigma."

Jax doesn't say anything he just hugs Jayse. They'd both hurt when Sigma was declared dead, but Jax had taken it even harder than Jade. This had been their dream, to join Sigma and they thought it would never happen after it's death. They had concentrated on making Alpha as close to Sigma as they could, but it still wasn't the same.

"How did you get our commander willing to let us go?" Jade demands. Their commander rather liked the spot of being the best.

Tommy smirks wickedly. "They didn't have a choice, not with Jayse having requested you before Sigma's death. Hell, he saw your potential your second year at Camp and requested you. There is official record of that and it couldn't be ignored. With Sigma back, you belong there. Your work over the last eighteen years is what made it so you got the leadership roles." Tommy turns serious.

"This is something new, always before they've tried to keep families in separate companies because of how painful it is to watch them die. I know-" Tommy has to stop and regain control of his voice and blink away his tears. "Do your damnedest to keep them all safe and bring them home because nothing will haunt you as much as losing your family within your family."

Tanker comes up to them, "What Tommy said is true. You're damn fine leaders," Tanker smirks, "I believe you're looking to Jayse," at their nods he continues, "good. He is a damn fine leader. I'm not sure that I would have been able to do what he did on Bandro. You have in your newly minted Company the seeds to far surpass anything I ever did with Sigma. I've seen the videos of how they work. Use your brains to keep your family safe and there isn't anything they won't be able to do. Tommy taught them all incredibly well, it's freaking spooky what they can do. What they will be able to accomplish, well the sky's the limit. I believe you two are the ones to take them there. Don't let us down."

They both nod more than a little overwhelmed at the incredible faith the legends have in them. "We will always do our best to make sure we don't."

Tanker smiles at them, "I know you will. The last thing you will want to do is explain to your aunt why her son or daughter didn't come home with you. Heaven help you if it happens because you weren't paying attention or doing your best. Kadance has never done less than her best. Even before she was inducted into the Warrior Society."

At Jade and Jax swallowing hard and looking at their aunt Tanker laughs and moves off. Baron shakes her head and gives them hugs and whispers her own words to them. Both Tanker and Baron had become close to Kadance and her team ever since she liberated Baron from her captivity eighteen years previous.

After all the excitement and greetings are over and Jannsen gives his last instructions the newly made Sigma Company goes out to celebrate their graduation, warrior style.

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