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"He's not going to like the written report." Kellan says tiredly wiping his face with his hand. "I didn't even get to the deaths."

Leran looks at his friend with sympathy, "I'll make sure that it's sent as soon as you get it written."

Kellan gives him a weak smile, "Read the report when I get it written. I don't think I can talk about it right now."

Leran looks at the commander and gives a slow nod. Any one looking at him can tell that this has been hell on him. "I will. Get some sleep, Kellan. Before you do anything else, get some sleep. It'll help clarify your thoughts and make it easier to write your report."

Kellan gives a weary nod. Too tired to fight any more. He feels old as he pushes himself out of the chair he'd been sitting in. He waves goodbye to his friend and makes his way out of the office. He's not really surprised at finding Dr. Bugs in the hall waiting for him. "Admiral wants the medical report from the mission." His voice is starting to slur.

Bugs gives him a frown. "I'm already working on it. I've sent in the reports from the civilians and the warriors that have come up first. I'm working on the reports from the natives and those that stayed until the last to come up."

Bugs gives him an arm to lean on as they make their way to the Commanders quarters. "Take this, I don't want you up before you've had at least eight hours of sleep. I've already left instructions with your Lieutenants. Unless it's life threatening they are to deal with things. And life threatening will be dealt with by the Captain."

"You know Kadance and her team, don't you doc?" Kellan says his slurring far more pronounced than it had been.

A haunted look comes back into Bugs eyes. "I worked with her before we were both brought into the Warrior society. I was there the day she had her babies."

Kellan hadn't realized that. "You were there?"

"There is nothing that will haunt me as much as when Kadance-when Jayse found out Kadance...Tommy had a knife in his hand ready to shove it into Jayse even as he desperately tried talking him down. Alpha had their guns drawn and locked on Jayse and Tommy both.

"I thought Jayse was damn near crazy after he gave the final grace to Rory, but it was nothing to what happened that day. I'm not sure even with the guns that Alpha could have stopped Jayse before Gaia was destroyed had Tommy not talked him down.

"I still have nightmares of that day and likely will for the rest of my life." Bugs shivers and holds back his desire to lose his last meal.

Kellan looks at Bugs with renewed interest. "You worked with Kadance?"

Bugs gets a small smile as he reminisces about that time. "I think I worked for her rather than me be her boss, but yeah, I worked with her. She primarily worked in the psych ward at the hospital we were at before we joined the Warriors society. Scarily efficient, friendly but not outgoing. The other nurses and no few of the Doctor's were terrified of her. Kadance never did anything that wasn't warranted. When I chastised Jayse after he gave Rory the final grace, I think it was her presence as much as Jayse's iron control that kept him from killing me. Kadance just had a calming influence on those around her. The redliners loved being around her because she helped lower the anger level.

"When we were pulled in to talk to Rueton about joining the Society I don't know who was more shocked her or me. I had no idea that I'd been scouted, but Jayse had talked to Kadance a week prior." Bugs shakes his head, "Kadance was never arrogant, damn near humble yet she wasn't afraid to stand up for herself. She had had to with her history. She never thought for even one moment that Jayse's offer had been real."

Kellan shakes his head, invites into the society were rare and were never made as jokes or jests.

"I've seen the videos, I don't think that there is a warrior anywhere that hasn't seen at least the one of her pulling Jayse back from going over even as he was starting his killing spree."

"Yeah, I had colleagues that sent me photos of the idiot when his friends took him in to get fixed up. He's just damn lucky Kadance was able to stop Jayse."

Kellan fighting sleep after taking the pill, "Could you get  a hold of Jayse and Tommy? I have a message for them and a gift, I think."

"There's no way that they'll miss their kids graduation. That will be your best bet at finding them unless Jannsen is able to get them to visit. Ever since that day in the hospital eighteen years ago, they stay away from most people. Tommy only deals with the people he selects for his training and the others only go through their liaison officer." Bugs shakes his head even as his tone of voice says more than his words that he wishes he could have a better answer.

"Would you try? Please? It's important." Kellan doesn't ever remember begging anyone for anything ever before.

It's the fact that the commander is begging him that makes Bugs stop and reconsider. "It has to do with the debacle on Dayla?"

"Yes, a gift to us even though we have done nothing to merit it. Also, I rather think that the knives I and my LC have are actually meant for them."

Bugs hesitates, there is no way he can guarantee that Jayse and Tommy will even respond to him.

"I will try, but that is all I can promise. I need to read the report you are sending to the admiral before I try to contact them." Kellan can hear the reluctance Bugs gives him and thanks him before he goes under.

Bugs leaves the Commanders quarters shaking his head. "Kadance, are you once again going to be our savior?"

Bugs hadn't been entirely honest with Kellan. He's been in contact with Kadance and her team for years. Although they aren't close they are more than just acquaintances.

Bugs goes to his quarters and writes up his own report and sends a copy off to a location that very few know about. If he knows Tommy, his report alone will get him interested in hearing more. If anyone can talk Jayse into meeting with Kellan it will be Tommy. Of course, Jayse won't be the hardest one to convince.

Bugs smiles a real smile for the first time in some time, when he gets a signal for a live chat.

"Dr. Bugs, it's been awhile since we've talked." The female says with a warm smile.

"It's been too long, Kadance, far too long," Bugs says.

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